I wrote an add-in for Excel-2000 containing the following code
Dim wks As Worksheet
For Each wks In TheWorkbook.Worksheets
If (wks.Index > 1) And (wks.Index < TheWorkbook.Worksheets.Count) Then
TheWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents(wks.CodeName).Properties("_CodeName") = _
"U" & wks.Index
End If
Next wks
This used to work. We have switched to Windows XP and Office 2003 (Small
business ed. SP2), and now I get an error (#1004), which reads (translated
from dutch): "Access to Visual Basic project at programming level
unreliable". Is it correct that access to this 'back door' to change the
worksheet code name has been changed in the transition to Excel 2003? Is
there a way to achieve the name change in another way?