I want to design a questionnaire for staff to tick boxes and email back to
me. What do I then do with the response sheets and how do I automatically
calculate the responses from the sheets.
I want to design a questionnaire for staff to tick boxes and email back to
me. What do I then do with the response sheets and how do I automatically
calculate the responses from the sheets.
Link the tick boxes to cells in the worksheet. Then use the countif
function to tally responses. Obviously, the ease of this will depend on the
Tom Ogilvy
"Working with survey responses" <Working with survey
responses@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> I want to design a questionnaire for staff to tick boxes and email back to
> me. What do I then do with the response sheets and how do I automatically
> calculate the responses from the sheets.
How I would handle it depends on two things: the number of questions in the
survey and the number of respondents. If I had a small number of questions
and a small number of respondents I would probably copy all the response
sheets into one master workbook with a "tally" page to summarize the results.
But if it was a long list (either # of questions or respondents) I would
probably write a sub to read in each response and record the results into a
list format on one sheet to use as a database, and use that to generate the
stats for the results (again with a "tally" page containing the
formulas/graphs I wanted to display the results)
"Working with survey responses" wrote:
> I want to design a questionnaire for staff to tick boxes and email back to
> me. What do I then do with the response sheets and how do I automatically
> calculate the responses from the sheets.
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