I am using Excel (98 for Macintosh)as a teachers' markbook with student
names in column A,test results in the other columns and different
classes on different sheets.It is set up so that student's marks for
the first test (in column B) are visible after the sheet is activated
by clicking the sheet tab (each sheet module has "Range("B1").Select"
in the Worksheet_Activate Event Procedure).
I want the option of overriding this behaviour so that clicking a sheet
tab takes you back to the part of the sheet on which you were
previously working i.e; normal between-sheet behaviour.
I am thinking along the lines of a standard Sub Procedure which when
run sets a Boolean variable named StayPut to True. I want StayPut to be
visible to all the Worksheet_Activate Subs and its lifetime to be the
time that the Workbook is open. I've included "If StayPut then (new
line) Exit Sub (new line) End if" at the start of each sheet's
Worksheet_Activate Event Procedure. Nothing I do works.
Is anybody able to help me? Scope and lifetime have me totally confused!