Ok. Demo, place in the ThisWorkbook module of a new empty workbook:
Option Explicit
Dim BlnAuto As Boolean
Private Sub Workbook_SheetActivate(ByVal Sh As Object)
If BlnAuto = False Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_SheetBeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Sh As Object, _
ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
BlnAuto = Not BlnAuto
End Sub
This selects B2 on sheet activation, and you disable-enable this behavior by
doubleclicking a cell.
HTH. Best wishes Harald
<hanjohn@netspace.net.au> skrev i melding
> Sorry, that's not what I need. My workbook is multisheet. Say I'm
> working (entering test marks for example) in a column that has to be
> scrolled to because it is so far to the right. If I then click a sheet
> tab to view another sheet (for whatever reason) and then back to the
> original sheet I was working on, I have to scroll again to get to the
> column I was working on. It works that way because of the code I've
> placed in each Worksheet_Activate event procedure i.e;
> Range("B1").Select.
> All I want to do is code in the ability to over-ride the effect if the
> code in the Event Procedures so that I don't have to scroll to get back
> to an off-screen area when returning to a sheet. I just can't figure
> out to set it up so that the user can run a Sub procedure that results
> in a variable that is visible to the Worksheet_Activate event procedure
> and has a lifetime that is as long as the workbook is open. The value
> of that variable determines whether or not B1 is selected when a sheet
> is activated.