I'm not really sure what you ask here, but John Walkenbach has code that
syncronize sheets at
HTH. Best wishes Harald
<hanjohn@netspace.net.au> skrev i melding
>I am using Excel (98 for Macintosh)as a teachers' markbook with student
> names in column A,test results in the other columns and different
> classes on different sheets.It is set up so that student's marks for
> the first test (in column B) are visible after the sheet is activated
> by clicking the sheet tab (each sheet module has "Range("B1").Select"
> in the Worksheet_Activate Event Procedure).
> I want the option of overriding this behaviour so that clicking a sheet
> tab takes you back to the part of the sheet on which you were
> previously working i.e; normal between-sheet behaviour.
> I am thinking along the lines of a standard Sub Procedure which when
> run sets a Boolean variable named StayPut to True. I want StayPut to be
> visible to all the Worksheet_Activate Subs and its lifetime to be the
> time that the Workbook is open. I've included "If StayPut then (new
> line) Exit Sub (new line) End if" at the start of each sheet's
> Worksheet_Activate Event Procedure. Nothing I do works.
> Is anybody able to help me? Scope and lifetime have me totally confused!