I can't answer but I want to clarify the user's intent: I think they are
talking about usging a cell format change to fire off some code ... and I
don't know of any event which will register that change.
"STEVE BELL" <> wrote in message
> It might be easier to just loop through each row and use the same
> conditions to determine what to do.
> (pseudo code)
> For rw = 1 to lastrow
> if cells(rw,4) = condition1 then
> ' your code
> elseif cells(rw,5)=condition2 then
> ' your code
> else
> ' anyother code you want
> end if
> next
> for copying -
> Sheets("MP").Range(????)=Sheets("MySheet").Range(rw,2)
> or
> Sheets("MP").Range(????).value=Sheets("MySheet").Range(rw,2).value
> or
> Sheets("MP").Range(????).text=Sheets("MySheet").Range(rw,2).text
> the trick is to define lastrow, and to define the row to paste to...
> write back if you need more...
> --
> steveB
> Remove "AYN" from email to respond
> "nat3ten" <> wrote in message
>>I am trying to write code which will automate a long process. If cells
>> in columns D or E are red(3) or gold(44), I want it to copy the info in
>> coulmn B (in the corresponding row)to another sheet called 'MP.' Is
>> there a way to do this?
>> Also, I thought I might note that the cells in columns D and E are red
>> or gold due to conditional formatting.
>> Thanks.