Firstly, apologies if this question is not quite appropriate for this
discussion group but it seemed the nearest suitable one.

Secondly, this excel problem. I have a spreadsheet which contains links. It
is often emailed from one user to others for reviewing. They would normally
click "Don't Update" so as to review the previously linked informations.
However, it appears that unlike Excel 2002, when you open this spreadsheet
with Excel 2003 and get presented with the Update or Don't Update links
option, it doesn't matter which option you choose, Excel 2003 always tries to
update the links which leaves you with a sheet full of #N/A's rather than the
information previously contained within the sheet. Doing the same process on
a machine with Excel 2002 (i.e. pressing the Don't Update option) leaves you
with all the previously known information left in the spreadsheet rather than
the #N/A's.

I was wondering if anyone could shed any light on this as its a little
annoying for the users i support as we are in an office with a mix of Excel
2002 and 2003.