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SumIF and STDEVIF is there a such thing

  1. #1

    SumIF and STDEVIF is there a such thing

    Hey guys,

    I am working on a spreadsheet that I have some arrays with SumIF and
    CountIF. I am looking for a way to do a Standard Deviation through an
    STDEVIF. I built the following formula, but Excel did not like it one bit.


    If I can not do a STDEV IF. Then I thought maybe I could perform a CountIF
    in cell H36 and then try to perform an offset type of formula to tell Excel
    which cells I would want the STDEV performed on. When I tried this:
    STDEV(h36,x) I do not get the correct answer either. Essentially I was
    thinking by using multiple countIF's I could perform a STDEV calc.

    Let me know your thoughts.



  2. #2
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: SumIF and STDEVIF is there a such thing


    Tom Ogilvy

    "Chris" <Chris@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > Hey guys,
    > I am working on a spreadsheet that I have some arrays with SumIF and
    > CountIF. I am looking for a way to do a Standard Deviation through an
    > STDEVIF. I built the following formula, but Excel did not like it one

    > {=STDEV(IF($F$3:$F$25=$F35,IF(ISNUMBER(H$3:H$25)*(H$3:H$25),0)))}
    > If I can not do a STDEV IF. Then I thought maybe I could perform a

    > in cell H36 and then try to perform an offset type of formula to tell

    > which cells I would want the STDEV performed on. When I tried this:
    > STDEV(h36,x) I do not get the correct answer either. Essentially I was
    > thinking by using multiple countIF's I could perform a STDEV calc.
    > Let me know your thoughts.
    > thanks.
    > Chris

  3. #3
    K Dales

    RE: SumIF and STDEVIF is there a such thing

    I also often need to do stats based on subsets of a data list in Excel. Even
    if you can set up an array formula to do an "if" type condition the problem
    with taking the standard deviation is that the cells that don't meet your
    condition will be equal to zero, and that is no good since they get included
    in the calculation of the standard deviation when, in reality, they should be
    ignored (not counted as zeros).

    The best way I have found to deal with this (if you can have some calculated
    columns) is to add a column to the list that tests the "IF" condition and
    gives the cell value if the condition is true or a blank if it is false, e.g.
    Then take the sum, count, mean, std dev, etc from the values in C using the
    standard Excel fomulas. The formulas will ignore all the spaces so the
    calculations will be valid for just those data values that meet your
    conditions. Also: note that you can use multiple conditions in your IF
    statement, which is an improvement over the SUMIF() or COUNTIF() functions.

    "Chris" wrote:

    > Hey guys,
    > I am working on a spreadsheet that I have some arrays with SumIF and
    > CountIF. I am looking for a way to do a Standard Deviation through an
    > STDEVIF. I built the following formula, but Excel did not like it one bit.
    > {=STDEV(IF($F$3:$F$25=$F35,IF(ISNUMBER(H$3:H$25)*(H$3:H$25),0)))}
    > If I can not do a STDEV IF. Then I thought maybe I could perform a CountIF
    > in cell H36 and then try to perform an offset type of formula to tell Excel
    > which cells I would want the STDEV performed on. When I tried this:
    > STDEV(h36,x) I do not get the correct answer either. Essentially I was
    > thinking by using multiple countIF's I could perform a STDEV calc.
    > Let me know your thoughts.
    > thanks.
    > Chris

  4. #4

    Re: SumIF and STDEVIF is there a such thing

    Thanks for the posts. I had already taken into account for blank cells in a
    prior formula.

    Tom, Once again you have solved my problem.


    "Tom Ogilvy" wrote:

    > {=STDEV(IF($F$3:$F$25=$F35,IF(ISNUMBER(H$3:H$25),(H$3:H$25))))}
    > --
    > Regards,
    > Tom Ogilvy
    > "Chris" <Chris@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > news:EC2AF7D4-9039-4302-9239-6C4990BE333F@microsoft.com...
    > > Hey guys,
    > >
    > > I am working on a spreadsheet that I have some arrays with SumIF and
    > > CountIF. I am looking for a way to do a Standard Deviation through an
    > > STDEVIF. I built the following formula, but Excel did not like it one

    > bit.
    > >
    > > {=STDEV(IF($F$3:$F$25=$F35,IF(ISNUMBER(H$3:H$25)*(H$3:H$25),0)))}
    > >
    > > If I can not do a STDEV IF. Then I thought maybe I could perform a

    > CountIF
    > > in cell H36 and then try to perform an offset type of formula to tell

    > Excel
    > > which cells I would want the STDEV performed on. When I tried this:
    > > STDEV(h36,x) I do not get the correct answer either. Essentially I was
    > > thinking by using multiple countIF's I could perform a STDEV calc.
    > >
    > > Let me know your thoughts.
    > >
    > > thanks.
    > >
    > > Chris
    > >
    > >


  5. #5

    Re: SumIF and STDEVIF is there a such thing

    Hi Chris for these purposes there's DSTDEV function designed. It's much
    faster then range formulas. You can find DVAR, DSUM, DPRODUCT functions
    too in excel.

  6. #6
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: SumIF and STDEVIF is there a such thing

    See my suggestion for a way to avoid this problem without using a helper

    Tom Ogilvy

    "K Dales" <KDales@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > I also often need to do stats based on subsets of a data list in Excel.

    > if you can set up an array formula to do an "if" type condition the

    > with taking the standard deviation is that the cells that don't meet your
    > condition will be equal to zero, and that is no good since they get

    > in the calculation of the standard deviation when, in reality, they should

    > ignored (not counted as zeros).
    > The best way I have found to deal with this (if you can have some

    > columns) is to add a column to the list that tests the "IF" condition and
    > gives the cell value if the condition is true or a blank if it is false,

    > =IF(AND(A1=Today(),B1="Widgets"),C1,"")
    > Then take the sum, count, mean, std dev, etc from the values in C using

    > standard Excel fomulas. The formulas will ignore all the spaces so the
    > calculations will be valid for just those data values that meet your
    > conditions. Also: note that you can use multiple conditions in your IF
    > statement, which is an improvement over the SUMIF() or COUNTIF()

    > "Chris" wrote:
    > > Hey guys,
    > >
    > > I am working on a spreadsheet that I have some arrays with SumIF and
    > > CountIF. I am looking for a way to do a Standard Deviation through an
    > > STDEVIF. I built the following formula, but Excel did not like it one

    > >
    > > {=STDEV(IF($F$3:$F$25=$F35,IF(ISNUMBER(H$3:H$25)*(H$3:H$25),0)))}
    > >
    > > If I can not do a STDEV IF. Then I thought maybe I could perform a

    > > in cell H36 and then try to perform an offset type of formula to tell

    > > which cells I would want the STDEV performed on. When I tried this:
    > > STDEV(h36,x) I do not get the correct answer either. Essentially I was
    > > thinking by using multiple countIF's I could perform a STDEV calc.
    > >
    > > Let me know your thoughts.
    > >
    > > thanks.
    > >
    > > Chris
    > >
    > >

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