I'm trying to put a formula into a cel, using the code below (which I also
found on a newsgroup).
The formula gets into the cel the right way, but the value displayed is an
errormessage "#NAME".
However. When I manually select the cell, press F2 and Enter. The value is
displayed correctly.
Can anyone tell me how I put this into my code?
Many Thanks,
Rinze Smit,
Revalidatie Friesland
Sub Formuleplaatsen()
' Go to first cell of column
' Test for entry in row2, if blank, use End Down to go to first non-blank
If ActiveCell.Value = "" Then Selection.End(xlDown).Select
' Capture address of first cell of range
StartA = ActiveCell.Address(rowabsolute:=False, columnabsolute:=False)
' Go to bottom of range
' Capture address of end of range
EndA = ActiveCell.Address(rowabsolute:=False, columnabsolute:=False)
' Move to cell to enter formula
ActiveCell.Offset(2, 0).Select
' Define formula
Totaal = "=Som(" & StartA & " : " & EndA & ")"
' Enter formula into worksheet
ActiveCell.Formula = Totaal
End Sub