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Module1 vs Thisworkbook for Macro

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  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date

    Arrow Module1 vs Thisworkbook for Macro

    I have written macro code where the error is "Procdure is too long". I am manipulating a lot of mainframe data and charting it. The code ran until I got the "too long" error.

    I have stored all the code in the "ThisWorkbook" so that the code is available to all sheets.

    Should I move the code to "Module1"? "Module1" was created when I recorded a macro to determine needed code.

    Can you have multiple "Modules"?

    Is it desireable to have multiple "Modules"?

    Would the move eliminate the "too long" error?

    Would variables be available for all the sheets in the workbook?

    Really confused after a long night of pushing code.


  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Question Subscript out of range error after adding Module

    Set wbBook = Workbooks("C:\Temp\Charts_ChgAll2.xls")
    I moved all the code from "Thisworkbook" to "Module1" in the same workbook

    Now I am getting a "Subscript out of range error" on the above line?

    I am strangely confused and in the deep end too.


  3. #3

    Re: Module1 vs Thisworkbook for Macro

    procedures should never go in an object module
    unless there is a good reason.

    thus: always use "normal" modules, except for
    event handlers.

    moveing your code to a normal module wont solve
    procedure too long.

    that should be solved by "hacking" your procedure
    into pieces...

    ideally your variables should be at procedure level.
    and those variables that need to be "shared" should be passed
    as arguments to the called procedure.

    However for a quick fix you need now..
    move all your variables to module level (before the first procedure or

    make 5 or 10 separate procedures from your original.
    then add 1 main procedure at the top that calls the others.

    dim wks as worksheet
    dim rng as range

    Sub mainproc()
    call proc1
    call proc2
    call proc3
    end sub

    Sub proc1()
    End Sub

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    Craigm wrote :

    > I have written macro code where the error is "Procdure is too long".
    > I am manipulating a lot of mainframe data and charting it. The code
    > ran until I got the "too long" error.
    > I have stored all the code in the "ThisWorkbook" so that the code is
    > available to all sheets.
    > Should I move the code to "Module1"? "Module1" was created when I
    > recorded a macro to determine needed code.
    > Can you have multiple "Modules"?
    > Is it desireable to have multiple "Modules"?
    > Would the move eliminate the "too long" error?
    > Would variables be available for all the sheets in the workbook?
    > Really confused after a long night of pushing code.
    > Craigm

  4. #4
    Damon Longworth

    Re: Module1 vs Thisworkbook for Macro

    I normally keep the code in the regular module and call it from the Workbook
    module if I need to use the workbook events.

    Yes, you can and should use multiple modules. Yes, your variables will be
    available to all sheets.

    Is your code the product of recordings? If so, you can reduce the lines and
    improve the efficiency of the recorded code.

    Damon Longworth

    Don't miss out on the 2005 Excel User Conference
    Sept 16th and 17th
    Stockyards Hotel - Ft. Worth, Texas

    "Craigm" <Craigm.1rc2ie_1119956717.1912@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:Craigm.1rc2ie_1119956717.1912@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > I have written macro code where the error is "Procdure is too long". I
    > am manipulating a lot of mainframe data and charting it. The code ran
    > until I got the "too long" error.
    > I have stored all the code in the "ThisWorkbook" so that the code is
    > available to all sheets.
    > Should I move the code to "Module1"? "Module1" was created when I
    > recorded a macro to determine needed code.
    > Can you have multiple "Modules"?
    > Is it desireable to have multiple "Modules"?
    > Would the move eliminate the "too long" error?
    > Would variables be available for all the sheets in the workbook?
    > Really confused after a long night of pushing code.
    > Craigm
    > --
    > Craigm
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > Craigm's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=24381
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=382754

  5. #5
    Registered User
    Join Date

    I understand better - Thank you

    I am learning fast with your help!

    Thank you,


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