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Reference to ActiveX control on worksheet requires full worksheet name

  1. #1
    Ian Ripsher

    Reference to ActiveX control on worksheet requires full worksheet name

    I have a combobox called ReportMonth on a worksheet (i.e. not on a form)
    called Summary. I want to include the current ReportMonth value (which can
    change from one month to the next) in the CenterHeader along with some other
    text, ready for printing, so I put the necessary code in the
    Workbook_BeforePrint event module. This works fine, except that I can't set
    a reference to the worksheet and use this when I refer to the combobox, I
    have to use the full worksheet name i.e.:

    Dim wks As Worksheet
    Set wks = Worksheets("Summary")
    [code to set CenterHeader]... wks.ReportMonth.Value ...

    produces an Object Required error. I have to "spell it out" fully and do
    this instead:

    [code to set CenterHeader]... Worksheets("Summary").ReportMonth.Value ...

    which works fine.

    This might seem petty, but it seems to go against all the advice on setting
    references to objects as good coding practice.

    Why doesn't the neater code work?


  2. #2
    K Dales

    RE: Reference to ActiveX control on worksheet requires full worksheet

    I have not run across this before but tested it and (at least on Excel XP)
    you are correct. I would assume it is because using
    Worksheets("Summary").ReportMonth is already a "violation" of strict object
    referencing. The actual full reference to the combobox should be
    Worksheets("Summary").OLEObjects("ReportMonth").Object. In my test,
    ws.OLEObjects("ReportMonth").Object.Value does give the proper result.

    So I guess we can look at it two ways: the VBA developers made a mistake by
    not having the shorthand method follow all the regular object referencing
    rules, or alternatively they did us a favor by even allowing it at all, so
    who are we to say it should behave like a "regular" object reference?

    - K Dales

    "Ian Ripsher" wrote:

    > I have a combobox called ReportMonth on a worksheet (i.e. not on a form)
    > called Summary. I want to include the current ReportMonth value (which can
    > change from one month to the next) in the CenterHeader along with some other
    > text, ready for printing, so I put the necessary code in the
    > Workbook_BeforePrint event module. This works fine, except that I can't set
    > a reference to the worksheet and use this when I refer to the combobox, I
    > have to use the full worksheet name i.e.:
    > Dim wks As Worksheet
    > Set wks = Worksheets("Summary")
    > ....
    > [code to set CenterHeader]... wks.ReportMonth.Value ...
    > ....
    > produces an Object Required error. I have to "spell it out" fully and do
    > this instead:
    > ....
    > [code to set CenterHeader]... Worksheets("Summary").ReportMonth.Value ...
    > ....
    > which works fine.
    > This might seem petty, but it seems to go against all the advice on setting
    > references to objects as good coding practice.
    > Why doesn't the neater code work?
    > Ian

  3. #3

    Re: Reference to ActiveX control on worksheet requires full worksheet

    partly... a bit ot theory:

    it has do with instantiation of the worksheet class
    AND the typing of the object variable.

    suppose the codename for sheet "Summary" is sheetSummary
    the combobox reportmonth only exists as a property of
    the instance of the worksheet class called sheetSummary

    just compile following.. then uncomment the last line.
    (needs a sheet Name:Summary,Codename SheetSummary
    with 1 embedded CommandButton control from the controls toolbox.)

    Sub foo()
    Dim MySheet As SheetSummary
    Dim AnObject As Object
    Dim ASheet As Worksheet

    Set MySheet = SheetSummary ' or worksheets("Summary")
    Set AnObject = SheetSummary
    Set ASheet = SheetSummary

    Debug.Print Worksheets("Summary").CommandButton1.Caption
    Debug.Print SheetSummary.CommandButton1.Caption

    Debug.Print MySheet.CommandButton1.Caption
    Debug.Print AnObject.CommandButton1.Caption

    'THIS wont work
    'Debug.Print ASheet.CommandButton1.Caption

    End Sub

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    K Dales wrote :

    > I have not run across this before but tested it and (at least on
    > Excel XP) you are correct. I would assume it is because using
    > Worksheets("Summary").ReportMonth is already a "violation" of strict
    > object referencing. The actual full reference to the combobox should
    > be Worksheets("Summary").OLEObjects("ReportMonth").Object. In my
    > test, ws.OLEObjects("ReportMonth").Object.Value does give the proper
    > result.
    > So I guess we can look at it two ways: the VBA developers made a
    > mistake by not having the shorthand method follow all the regular
    > object referencing rules, or alternatively they did us a favor by
    > even allowing it at all, so who are we to say it should behave like a
    > "regular" object reference?

  4. #4
    Ian Ripsher

    Re: Reference to ActiveX control on worksheet requires full worksheet

    "K Dales" <KDales@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    >I have not run across this before but tested it and (at least on Excel XP)
    > you are correct. I would assume it is because using
    > Worksheets("Summary").ReportMonth is already a "violation" of strict
    > object
    > referencing. The actual full reference to the combobox should be
    > Worksheets("Summary").OLEObjects("ReportMonth").Object. In my test,
    > ws.OLEObjects("ReportMonth").Object.Value does give the proper result.
    > So I guess we can look at it two ways: the VBA developers made a mistake
    > by
    > not having the shorthand method follow all the regular object referencing
    > rules, or alternatively they did us a favor by even allowing it at all, so
    > who are we to say it should behave like a "regular" object reference?
    > --
    > - K Dales

    Many thanks for this - you've educated me - I didn't realise that
    Worksheets("Summary").ReportMonth was a violation (and therefore shouldn't
    really work, even though it does!) and what the full reference should be!
    While I was doing this, I did look at the OLEObjects collection, but I
    didn't include the .Object at the end, which is why that threw up an error
    as well!

    I figured that, because UserFormName.ControlName always works (and is the
    correct ref) when the control is on a userform, then logically,
    WorksheetName.ControlName ought to be correct when it's on a worksheet.
    Unfortunately the MS guidance (and the book I'm using) is rather shy on
    controls embedded on the worksheet - a lot more guidance is provided on
    userform controls.

    Thanks again

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