I'm in step one of creating a macro. The workbook is a position tracker for the trading company I work fo. I have attached it as a point of reference for those who care to take a look
Step one is to get a block of cells to row by row shift up as the month changes. Right now I am using the EOMONTH function with the formula =EOMONTH(IF(EOMONTH(A1,0)=A1,A1+1,A1),0)+1
This successfully rolls in the next month, but its not copying the whole row.
For example if the date is 7/1/05 then the next month is August. IF 8/1/05 then next month is Septemtber. I need to be able to roll entire rows instead of just a few cells. I also need to have the number of months shown constant, therefore "rolling in" the next month.
Any help is appreciated, the example makes it much clearer. Thanks.