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macro works differently when using the Step Into (F8) feature

  1. #1
    Dave Y

    macro works differently when using the Step Into (F8) feature

    I have a macro that pulls data from a separate program called Reflection
    (made by IBM) and copies over to Excel. When I start the macro in Excel, the
    macro seems to skip certain commands or triples up certain copying features.
    However, when I use the Step Into (F8) feature in Visual Basic, everything
    works correctly. Any ideas about what I'm doing wrong? I an using Excel
    2003. Thanks

  2. #2
    Vic Eldridge

    RE: macro works differently when using the Step Into (F8) feature

    > Any ideas about what I'm doing wrong?

    Yes. You're asking us to help debug your code but you don't show us the code.

    Vic Eldridge

    "Dave Y" wrote:

    > I have a macro that pulls data from a separate program called Reflection
    > (made by IBM) and copies over to Excel. When I start the macro in Excel, the
    > macro seems to skip certain commands or triples up certain copying features.
    > However, when I use the Step Into (F8) feature in Visual Basic, everything
    > works correctly. Any ideas about what I'm doing wrong? I an using Excel
    > 2003. Thanks

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