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A VB code for creating count down timer / stopwatch...

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    A VB code for creating count down timer / stopwatch...


    I have nothing to with programming. but in Excel I have used VB Editor for pasting codes to like number to words etc...

    I think that it is possible to make a count down timer or a stop watch.

    If yes, can anyone give me the code and method to do so?



  2. #2
    Bob Phillips

    Re: A VB code for creating count down timer / stopwatch...

    Here is some code

    set three cesll with the names countdown, start, and current. Set you
    countdown time in countdown as time (00:00:30), and the n run StartClock.
    Note I am using two code modules here.

    Put this code in one code module

    Option Explicit

    Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" _
    Alias "FindWindowA" _
    (ByVal lpClassName As String, _
    ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long

    Private Declare Function SetTimer Lib "user32" _
    (ByVal hWnd As Long, _
    ByVal nIDEvent As Long, _
    ByVal uElapse As Long, _
    ByVal lpTimerFunc As Long) As Long

    Private Declare Function KillTimer Lib "user32" _
    (ByVal hWnd As Long, _
    ByVal nIDEvent As Long) As Long

    Private WindowsTimer As Long

    Public Function cbkRoutine(ByVal Window_hWnd As Long, _
    ByVal WindowsMessage As Long, _
    ByVal EventID As Long, _
    ByVal SystemTime As Long) As Long
    Dim CurrentTime As String
    If Range("start") + Range("countdown") <= Range("current") Then
    MsgBox "All done"
    Range("current").Value = Format(Now, "Long Time")
    End If
    End Function

    Sub StartClock()
    Range("start").Value = Format(Now, "Long Time")
    Range("current").Value = Format(Now, "Long Time")
    fncWindowsTimer 1000, WindowsTimer '1 sec
    End Sub

    Sub StopClock()
    End Sub

    Sub RestartClock()
    fncWindowsTimer 1000, WindowsTimer '1 sec
    End Sub

    Public Function fncWindowsTimer(TimeInterval As Long, WindowsTimer As Long)
    As Boolean
    WindowsTimer = 0
    'if Excel2000 or above use the built-in AddressOf operator to
    'get a pointer to the callback function
    If Val(Application.Version) > 8 Then
    WindowsTimer = SetTimer(hWnd:=FindWindow("XLMAIN",
    Application.Caption), _
    nIDEvent:=0, _
    uElapse:=TimeInterval, _
    Else 'use K.Getz & M.Kaplan function to get a pointer
    WindowsTimer = SetTimer(hWnd:=FindWindow("XLMAIN",
    Application.Caption), _
    nIDEvent:=0, _
    uElapse:=TimeInterval, _
    End If

    fncWindowsTimer = CBool(WindowsTimer)

    End Function

    Public Function fncStopWindowsTimer()
    KillTimer hWnd:=FindWindow("XLMAIN", Application.Caption), _
    nIDEvent:=0 'WindowsTimer
    End Function

    and this in another

    Option Explicit

    Private Declare Function GetCurrentVbaProject Lib "vba332.dll" _
    Alias "EbGetExecutingProj" _
    (hProject As Long) As Long

    Private Declare Function GetFuncID Lib "vba332.dll" _
    Alias "TipGetFunctionId" _
    (ByVal hProject As Long, _
    ByVal strFunctionName As String, _
    ByRef strFunctionID As String) As Long

    Private Declare Function GetAddr Lib "vba332.dll" _
    Alias "TipGetLpfnOfFunctionId" _
    (ByVal hProject As Long, _
    ByVal strFunctionID As String, _
    ByRef lpfnAddressOf As Long) As Long

    Public Function AddrOf(CallbackFunctionName As String) As Long
    'AddressOf operator emulator for Office97 VBA
    'Authors: Ken Getz and Michael Kaplan
    Dim aResult As Long
    Dim CurrentVBProject As Long
    Dim strFunctionID As String
    Dim AddressOfFunction As Long
    Dim UnicodeFunctionName As String

    'convert the name of the function to Unicode system
    UnicodeFunctionName = StrConv(CallbackFunctionName, vbUnicode)

    'if the current VBProjects exists...
    If Not GetCurrentVbaProject(CurrentVB*Project) = 0 Then
    '...get the function ID of the callback function, based on its
    'unicode-converted name, to ensure that it exists
    aResult = GetFuncID(hProject:=CurrentVBP*roject, _
    strFunctionName:=UnicodeFuncti*onName, _
    'if the function exists indeed ...
    If aResult = 0 Then
    '...get a pointer to the callback function based on
    'the strFunctionID argument of the GetFuncID function
    aResult = GetAddr(hProject:=CurrentVBPro*ject, _
    strFunctionID:=strFunctionID, _
    'if we've got the pointer pass it to the result of the function
    If aResult = 0 Then
    AddrOf = AddressOfFunction
    End If
    End If
    End If

    End Function

    Public Function AddrOf_Callback_Routine() As Long
    'Office97 VBE does not recognise the AddressOf operator;
    'however, it does not raise a compile-error ...
    AddrOf_Callback_Routine = vbaPass(AddressOf cbkRoutine)
    End Function

    Private Function vbaPass(AddressOfFunction As Long) As Long
    vbaPass = AddressOfFunction
    End Function


    Bob Phillips

    "sanskar_d" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message news:[email protected]...
    > Hi!
    > I have nothing to with programming. but in Excel I have used VB Editor
    > for pasting codes to like number to words etc...
    > I think that it is possible to make a count down timer or a stop watch.
    > If yes, can anyone give me the code and method to do so?
    > regards,
    > Sam
    > --
    > sanskar_d
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > sanskar_d's Profile:

    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=380012

  3. #3

    Re: A VB code for creating count down timer / stopwatch...


    for vba6 that could be..
    (skips the issue of AddressOf, but avoids the hwnd
    by using a null parameter and the ID returned from settimer)

    Dim lngTimer As Long

    Public Sub startclock()
    the uElapse is set in Milliseconds!
    lngTimer = SetTimer(0&, 0&, 1000&, AddressOf DoTimer)
    End Sub

    Public Sub stopclock()
    KillTimer 0&, lngTimer
    End Sub

    Public Sub DoTimer()
    Sheet1.Cells(1, 1) = Time
    End Sub

    hth, Jurgen

    | www.XLsupport.com | keepITcool chello nl | amsterdam

    Bob Phillips wrote :

    > Here is some code
    > set three cesll with the names countdown, start, and current. Set you
    > countdown time in countdown as time (00:00:30), and the n run
    > StartClock. Note I am using two code modules here.
    > Put this code in one code module
    > Option Explicit
    > Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" _
    > Alias "FindWindowA" _
    > (ByVal lpClassName As String, _
    > ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long
    > Private Declare Function SetTimer Lib "user32" _
    > (ByVal hWnd As Long, _
    > ByVal nIDEvent As Long, _
    > ByVal uElapse As Long, _
    > ByVal lpTimerFunc As Long) As Long
    > Private Declare Function KillTimer Lib "user32" _
    > (ByVal hWnd As Long, _
    > ByVal nIDEvent As Long) As Long
    > Private WindowsTimer As Long
    > Public Function cbkRoutine(ByVal Window_hWnd As Long, _
    > ByVal WindowsMessage As Long, _
    > ByVal EventID As Long, _
    > ByVal SystemTime As Long) As Long
    > Dim CurrentTime As String
    > If Range("start") + Range("countdown") <= Range("current") Then
    > StopClock
    > MsgBox "All done"
    > Else
    > Range("current").Value = Format(Now, "Long Time")
    > End If
    > End Function
    > Sub StartClock()
    > Range("start").Value = Format(Now, "Long Time")
    > Range("current").Value = Format(Now, "Long Time")
    > fncWindowsTimer 1000, WindowsTimer '1 sec
    > End Sub
    > Sub StopClock()
    > fncStopWindowsTimer
    > End Sub
    > Sub RestartClock()
    > fncWindowsTimer 1000, WindowsTimer '1 sec
    > End Sub
    > Public Function fncWindowsTimer(TimeInterval As Long, WindowsTimer As
    > Long) As Boolean
    > WindowsTimer = 0
    > 'if Excel2000 or above use the built-in AddressOf operator to
    > 'get a pointer to the callback function
    > If Val(Application.Version) > 8 Then
    > WindowsTimer = SetTimer(hWnd:=FindWindow("XLMAIN",
    > Application.Caption), _
    > nIDEvent:=0, _
    > uElapse:=TimeInterval, _
    > lpTimerFunc:=AddrOf_Callback_Routine)
    > Else 'use K.Getz & M.Kaplan function to get a pointer
    > WindowsTimer = SetTimer(hWnd:=FindWindow("XLMAIN",
    > Application.Caption), _
    > nIDEvent:=0, _
    > uElapse:=TimeInterval, _
    > lpTimerFunc:=AddrOf("cbkRoutine"))
    > End If
    > fncWindowsTimer = CBool(WindowsTimer)
    > End Function
    > Public Function fncStopWindowsTimer()
    > KillTimer hWnd:=FindWindow("XLMAIN", Application.Caption), _
    > nIDEvent:=0 'WindowsTimer
    > End Function
    > and this in another
    > Option Explicit
    > Private Declare Function GetCurrentVbaProject Lib "vba332.dll" _
    > Alias "EbGetExecutingProj" _
    > (hProject As Long) As Long
    > Private Declare Function GetFuncID Lib "vba332.dll" _
    > Alias "TipGetFunctionId" _
    > (ByVal hProject As Long, _
    > ByVal strFunctionName As String, _
    > ByRef strFunctionID As String) As Long
    > Private Declare Function GetAddr Lib "vba332.dll" _
    > Alias "TipGetLpfnOfFunctionId" _
    > (ByVal hProject As Long, _
    > ByVal strFunctionID As String, _
    > ByRef lpfnAddressOf As Long) As Long
    > '-----------------------------*------------------------------*--------
    > ------
    > --
    > Public Function AddrOf(CallbackFunctionName As String) As Long
    > '-----------------------------*------------------------------*--------
    > ------
    > --
    > 'AddressOf operator emulator for Office97 VBA
    > 'Authors: Ken Getz and Michael Kaplan
    > '-----------------------------*------------------------------*--------
    > ------
    > --
    > Dim aResult As Long
    > Dim CurrentVBProject As Long
    > Dim strFunctionID As String
    > Dim AddressOfFunction As Long
    > Dim UnicodeFunctionName As String
    > 'convert the name of the function to Unicode system
    > UnicodeFunctionName = StrConv(CallbackFunctionName, vbUnicode)
    > 'if the current VBProjects exists...
    > If Not GetCurrentVbaProject(CurrentVB*Project) = 0 Then
    > '...get the function ID of the callback function, based on its
    > 'unicode-converted name, to ensure that it exists
    > aResult = GetFuncID(hProject:=CurrentVBP*roject, _
    > strFunctionName:=UnicodeFuncti*onName, _
    > strFunctionID:=strFunctionID)
    > 'if the function exists indeed ...
    > If aResult = 0 Then
    > '...get a pointer to the callback function based on
    > 'the strFunctionID argument of the GetFuncID function
    > aResult = GetAddr(hProject:=CurrentVBPro*ject, _
    > strFunctionID:=strFunctionID, _
    > lpfnAddressOf:=AddressOfFunction)
    > 'if we've got the pointer pass it to the result of the
    > function If aResult = 0 Then
    > AddrOf = AddressOfFunction
    > End If
    > End If
    > End If
    > End Function
    > '-----------------------------*------------------------------*--------
    > ------
    > --
    > Public Function AddrOf_Callback_Routine() As Long
    > '-----------------------------*------------------------------*--------
    > ------
    > --
    > 'Office97 VBE does not recognise the AddressOf operator;
    > 'however, it does not raise a compile-error ...
    > '-----------------------------*------------------------------*--------
    > ------
    > --
    > AddrOf_Callback_Routine = vbaPass(AddressOf cbkRoutine)
    > End Function
    > '-----------------------------*------------------------------*--------
    > ------
    > --
    > Private Function vbaPass(AddressOfFunction As Long) As Long
    > '-----------------------------*------------------------------*--------
    > ------
    > --
    > vbaPass = AddressOfFunction
    > End Function

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