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Cell lies within range

  1. #1

    Cell lies within range

    I think I have seen an elegant way of determining if a particular cell lies
    within a particular range. eg. does cell(x,y) lie inside range(a:b)

    Any ideas?

    Thanks, Kaval

  2. #2
    Bernie Deitrick

    Re: Cell lies within range


    MsgBox Not (Intersect(Cells(x, y), Range("a:b")) Is Nothing)

    MS Excel MVP

    "Kaval" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    >I think I have seen an elegant way of determining if a particular cell lies
    > within a particular range. eg. does cell(x,y) lie inside range(a:b)
    > Any ideas?
    > Thanks, Kaval

  3. #3
    Norman Jones

    Re: Cell lies within range

    Hi Kaval,

    Try something like:

    Sub Tester09()
    Dim rng As Range
    Dim rcell As Range

    Set rng = Range("TEST")
    Set rcell = Range("A2")

    If Not Intersect(rcell, rng) Is Nothing Then
    MsgBox rcell.Address(0, 0) & " lies in the named " _
    & rng.Name.Name & " range"
    'It does not!

    End If

    End Sub


    "Kaval" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    >I think I have seen an elegant way of determining if a particular cell lies
    > within a particular range. eg. does cell(x,y) lie inside range(a:b)
    > Any ideas?
    > Thanks, Kaval

  4. #4
    Vasant Nanavati

    Re: Cell lies within range

    For example:

    MsgBox Not Intersect (Range("A1"), Range("A2:Z100")) Is Nothing



    "Kaval" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > I think I have seen an elegant way of determining if a particular cell

    > within a particular range. eg. does cell(x,y) lie inside range(a:b)
    > Any ideas?
    > Thanks, Kaval

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