You could use ChangeFileAccess method in your OnOpen statement to change the
file to readonly after its opened.

ThisWorkBook.ChangeFileAccess Mode:=xlreadonly

Of course, your users could get around this by holding the Shift key when
they open the file (causing auto open macros to not run), but they can also
get around read only using Save As to save a copy of the file w/o the read
only property set.

Whatever method you use, just be sure you know how to open the file

"Mark Stephens" wrote:

> I made my workbook read only so that users cannot select the chart on a
> chart sheet. Now when I open my workbook it displays a message:
> 'Workbook should be opened as read only unless you intend to save changes to
> it. Open as read only?'
> I put Application.DisplayAlerts = False in the OnOpen code first line but it
> wont go away. Does anyone know how to get rid of it ?
> Any help much appreciated, kind regards, Mark