In reviewing Ron's code here, http://www.rondebruin.nl/cdo.htm, I am
looking for a method to set the email's priority or importance to 'high' or
'highest'. Is there a way to do so, such as from what he has listed?
With iMsg
Set .Configuration = iConf
.To = "Jon@something.com"
.CC = ""
.BCC = ""
.From = """Ron"" <ron@something.nl>"
.Subject = "This is a test"
.Importance = 2
.Priority = 2
.TextBody = "Hi there"
.AddAttachment "C:/" & WBname
' You can add any file you want with this line .AddAttachment
End With
Neither line in bold/red appears to be working.
Additionally, in the email body of several messages (created via an
..HTMLBody variable), a few words are being broken in half and a space
added. In other cases, URLs are being split as well. For an example,
please see the following:
Conversion Account Statem ent --- 'a space was added in Statement'
http://education.ou.c%20om/ --- 'a URL space (%20) was added in between
Any help is much appreciated.
Thanks much,