Thanks Ton - that does work as well.

As I had a bit of time to play with this one I have actually managed to
solve it myself by re-engineering the MyExtract function from

Here is my code - I have also managed to get it to look from the front or
the back....

Function CountMyChar(strCSV As String, ItemNo As Integer, FrontOrBack As
String, _
MySeparator As String) As String

Dim i As Long
Dim OneItem As String
Dim n As Integer
Dim Var_CharCount As Integer
Dim Var_NumCharCount As Integer 'n'th item to find position of

Var_CharCount = 0 'current count of Item is 0

If UCase(FrontOrBack) = "F" Then
MySt = 1
MyFin = Len(strCSV)
MyStep = 1
MySt = Len(strCSV)
MyFin = 1
MyStep = -1
End If

For n = MySt To MyFin Step MyStep
char = Mid(strCSV, n, 1)

If char = MySeparator Then
Var_NumCharCount = Var_NumCharCount + 1
End If

If Var_NumCharCount = ItemNo Then
Exit For
End If

Next n

CountMyChar = n

End Function

"TT" <> wrote in message

If I understand you correctly you want to find the position of for
example the 4th comma in a string?
This function might do that:

Function iGetPosition(sInput As String, sSeparator As String, iNth As
Integer) As Integer
Dim iPos As Integer, iCnt As Integer

iPos = 0
For iCnt = 1 To iNth
iPos = InStr(iPos + 1, sInput, sSeparator)
If iPos = 0 Then
' bail out when the separator is not found
Exit For
End If
Next iCnt

iGetPosition = iPos
End Function

Sub Effe()
' we should see 18 as a result; let's cross fingers...
Debug.Print iGetPosition("aap,noot,mies,wim,zus,jet", ",", 4)
End Sub

With kind regards,
Ton Teuns

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