Re: Keeping track of code
(1) I use a variation of Chip Pearson's code for exporting modules for
each workbook that I create that contains code (each workbook having
its own subdirectory for the modules). Then, I use Start>Find>Files or
Folders to search for keywords ("containing text").
Exporting All Modules In A Project
(2) I also have a workbook that contains a worksheet with an
alphabetical index listing various issues that I have researched. This
sheet contains hyperlinks to text files that contain code snippets or
hyperlinks to Internet sources (Google, WebSites, etc.). I then search
by keyword and fill a ListBox; selecting an item in the ListBox brings
me to the appropriate hyperlinks.
Any time that I encounter a subject that may prove useful in the
future, I store that information for later perusal.
Not 100% foolproof, but I rarely spend excessive time re-researching
topics that I've seen before.
>How does everybody keep track of subs/functions/applications they've written?