This is the way I do it:-

' Switch to/from summary sheet

If ActiveSheet.Name = "Summary" Then
oldsheet = Worksheets("Summary").Range("Z1").Value
oldsheet = ActiveSheet.Name
Worksheets("Summary").Range("Z1").Value = oldsheet
End If

"Graham Haughs" wrote:

> Is it possible in a multi-sheet workbook to create a procedure to jump
> back to the sheet and the place you were in previously, ie without using
> the tabs to move about. If you were in sheet 6 for example and moved by
> a macro to Sheet 20, is there a way to identify that you have just been
> in sheet 6 and use a macro to be linked to a command button for example
> to jump back to it. Hope this is well enough explained and I would be
> grateful for any guidance.
> Kind regards
> Graham Haughs
> Turriff, Scotland