If the cells in DX have hard coded values (not formulas), then:
Dim rng as Range, rng1 as Range
set rng = Range("DX1:DX101").SpecialCells(xlConstants)
set rng1 = intersect(Range(A1).Resize(1,16).EntireColumn, _
rng1.copy Destination:=Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A1")
Tom Ogilvy
"BigDave" <BigDave.1q0jek_1117739136.5728@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
message news:BigDave.1q0jek_1117739136.5728@excelforum-nospam.com...
> I have an area in a workbook that is 16 columns by 101 rows. With
> formulas it looks for certain information in other areas of the same
> sheet and fills in accordingly if the criteria are met. The data in
> this array will then be copied (values only) and placed into a Data
> Sheet for use with PivotTable.
> If the cell in column DX is blank, then the entire row of that array is
> blank. What I'd like to do is create a formula or macro that will look
> to see if the cells in DX column and if it finds a blank cell, the
> corresponding row is deleted so I don't get this huge array with a
> whole bunch of blanks.
> Or...
> Is there another approach I can take with filling out this array?
> Currently I'm using a IF true/false statement to seach for information
> in a certain cell and fill in the other information accordingly. If
> nothing is in the key cell, the row is blank. Is there a conditional
> or "stepping" type of seach I can use to do this same thing?
> --
> BigDave
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> BigDave's Profile:
> View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=376074