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Last Column Macro

  1. #1
    B Smith

    Last Column Macro

    Ok, I've written a macro out to calculate the totals of columns from D
    to the end of that sheet. I need the sum formula to fill to the right
    from D + lastrow to the last column's last row.

    Here's my code. (just ignore the msgbox thing- I'll take that out when
    it works)

    Sub totals()

    Dim endcell
    Dim lastrow
    Dim lastcolumn
    Set endcell = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
    lastrow = endcell(endcell.Count).Row
    lastcolumn = endcell(endcell.Count).column
    Range("D" + CStr(lastrow + 1)).Select
    ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(R2C:R" + CStr(lastrow) + "C)"
    MsgBox CStr(lastcolumn)
    Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("D" + CStr(lastrow + 1) + ":"
    + CStr(lastcolumn) + CStr(lastrow + 1)), Type:=xlFillDefault

    End Sub

    After hours of trying to debug, I realized that my count for lastcolumn
    returns a number- I need a letter (my number right now is 49). I think
    I've gotten everything else right, but any other things wrong with it
    would be greatly appreciated. Anyways, how can I change my macro to
    make it work? Thanks for your time.

    Brett Smith

  2. #2
    Jim Cone

    Re: Last Column Macro


    The Cells property appears to be what you need...
    Cells(lastrow, lastcolumn) specifies a single cell.

    So the AutoFill code line could be rewritten as...
    Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range(Cells(lastrow + 1, 4), _
    Cells(lastrow + 1, lastcolumn)), Type:=xlFillDefault

    It is also best to use the "&" sign when joining text instead the plus sign.
    The "+" sign should be reserved for addition.

    Jim Cone
    San Francisco, USA

    "B Smith" <bsmith1111@isp.com> wrote in message
    > Ok, I've written a macro out to calculate the totals of columns from D
    > to the end of that sheet. I need the sum formula to fill to the right
    > from D + lastrow to the last column's last row.
    > Here's my code. (just ignore the msgbox thing- I'll take that out when
    > it works)
    > Sub totals()
    > Dim endcell
    > Dim lastrow
    > Dim lastcolumn
    > Set endcell = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
    > lastrow = endcell(endcell.Count).Row
    > lastcolumn = endcell(endcell.Count).column
    > Range("D" + CStr(lastrow + 1)).Select
    > ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(R2C:R" + CStr(lastrow) + "C)"
    > MsgBox CStr(lastcolumn)
    > Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("D" + CStr(lastrow + 1) + ":"
    > + CStr(lastcolumn) + CStr(lastrow + 1)), Type:=xlFillDefault
    > End Sub
    > After hours of trying to debug, I realized that my count for lastcolumn
    > returns a number- I need a letter (my number right now is 49). I think
    > I've gotten everything else right, but any other things wrong with it
    > would be greatly appreciated. Anyways, how can I change my macro to
    > make it work? Thanks for your time.
    > Brett Smith

  3. #3
    Bernie Deitrick

    Re: Last Column Macro


    Here's how I would do it:

    Sub TotalsV2()
    Dim EndCell As Range

    Set EndCell = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
    EndCell.Offset(EndCell.Rows.Count, 0).Resize(1).FormulaR1C1 = _
    "=SUM(R2C:R" + CStr(EndCell.Item(EndCell.Cells.Count).Row) + "C)"
    End Sub

    But here is how to correct your code: you need to use the Cells method
    (which takes numeric row and column) to return a range object.

    Sub TotalsCorrected()

    Dim endcell As Range
    Dim lastrow As Long
    Dim lastcolumn As Integer

    Set endcell = ActiveSheet.UsedRange

    lastrow = endcell(endcell.Count).Row
    lastcolumn = endcell(endcell.Count).Column

    Range("D" & lastrow + 1).FormulaR1C1 = _
    "=SUM(R2C:R" + CStr(lastrow) + "C)"

    Range("D" & lastrow + 1).AutoFill Destination:=Range("D" & CStr(lastrow +
    1), _
    Cells(lastrow + 1, lastcolumn)), Type:=xlFillDefault

    End Sub


    "B Smith" <bsmith1111@isp.com> wrote in message
    > Ok, I've written a macro out to calculate the totals of columns from D
    > to the end of that sheet. I need the sum formula to fill to the right
    > from D + lastrow to the last column's last row.
    > Here's my code. (just ignore the msgbox thing- I'll take that out when
    > it works)
    > Sub totals()
    > Dim endcell
    > Dim lastrow
    > Dim lastcolumn
    > Set endcell = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
    > lastrow = endcell(endcell.Count).Row
    > lastcolumn = endcell(endcell.Count).column
    > Range("D" + CStr(lastrow + 1)).Select
    > ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(R2C:R" + CStr(lastrow) + "C)"
    > MsgBox CStr(lastcolumn)
    > Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("D" + CStr(lastrow + 1) + ":"
    > + CStr(lastcolumn) + CStr(lastrow + 1)), Type:=xlFillDefault
    > End Sub
    > After hours of trying to debug, I realized that my count for lastcolumn
    > returns a number- I need a letter (my number right now is 49). I think
    > I've gotten everything else right, but any other things wrong with it
    > would be greatly appreciated. Anyways, how can I change my macro to
    > make it work? Thanks for your time.
    > Brett Smith

  4. #4
    B Smith

    Re: Last Column Macro

    Thanks for both of your help- with a little tweaking to Bernie's v2
    totals macro and Jim's & tip I got my macro working with some
    formatting added to it as well. Thanks again for all of your help!

    Here's my code:

    Sub totals() 'for security reports
    Dim EndCell As Range
    Dim lastrow

    Set EndCell = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
    lastrow = EndCell(EndCell.Count).Row

    'to fill with totals
    EndCell.Offset(EndCell.Rows.Count, 0).Resize(1).FormulaR1C1 = _
    "=SUM(R2C:R" + CStr(EndCell.Item(EndCell.Cells.Count).Row) + "C)"

    Rows(CStr(lastrow + 1) & ":" & CStr(lastrow + 1)).Select
    Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone
    Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone
    Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle = xlNone
    With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop)
    .LineStyle = xlContinuous
    .Weight = xlThin
    .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
    End With
    With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom)
    .LineStyle = xlDouble
    .Weight = xlThick
    .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
    End With
    Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle = xlNone
    Selection.Borders(xlInsideVertical).LineStyle = xlNone
    With Selection.Interior 'gray background
    .ColorIndex = 15
    .Pattern = xlSolid
    End With

    'deleting unneeded subtotals
    Range("A" & CStr(lastrow + 1) & ":C" & CStr(lastrow + 1)).Select
    End Sub

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