
1) hit Alt + F11 to open VB Editor
2) go to Insert - > Module then paste code there
3) hit Alt + F11 again to get back to Excel

in cell B1
=sortcell(A1) or =sortcell(A1," ") ... second argument for delim chatcter

Function sortCell(txt As String, Optional delim As String = " ") As String
Dim dic As Object, x, a, i As Integer, ii As Integer

Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
a = Split(txt, delim)
For i = LBound(a) To UBound(a)
    If Not dic.exists(a(i)) Then
        dic.Add a(i), Nothing
    End If
x = dic.keys: ReDim Preserve x(1 To dic.Count)
x = QuickSort(x, LBound(x), UBound(x))
sortCell = Join(x, delim)
End Function

Function QuickSort(Ary, SideA As Integer, SideB As Integer)
Dim i As Integer, ii As Integer
Dim m As Long, tmp As Long
    i = SideA
    ii = SideB
    m = Ary(Int((SideB + SideA) / 2))
    Do While i <= ii
        Do While Ary(i) < m
            i = i + 1
        Do While m < Ary(ii)
            ii = ii - 1
        If i <= ii Then
            tmp = Ary(i)
            Ary(i) = Ary(ii)
            Ary(ii) = tmp
            i = i + 1
            ii = ii - 1
        End If
    If SideA < ii Then QuickSort = QuickSort(Ary, SideA, ii)
    If i < SideB Then QuickSort = QuickSort(Ary, i, SideB)
    QuickSort = Ary
End Function

Quote Originally Posted by Michael168
Hi! VBA Expert here

I am looking for a module that read from G9:L(last row) and write the unique values into the cells M9:R (last row) with sorting left to right.

Few Examples :

G9:L14 M9:R14

4 5 3 3 4 5 = 3 4 5
2 2 3 6 7 0 = 0 2 3 6 7
7 4 9 8 2 3 = 2 3 4 7 8 9
7 9 9 0 1 8 = 0 1 7 8 9
7 1 6 8 6 6 = 1 6 7 8
6 7 9 1 7 6 = 1 6 7 9

I wish the above example is clear for you to help me.
Thanks for helping.
