I have a workbook with 10 worksheets. In column A2:A30, I have "Student
Names". I have "Lesson Names" in Range B1:G1 which is constant and doesn't
change from worksheet to worksheet. But range B2:G30 has different integer
values in different worksheets.
Now I need a macro, that when executed will create new worksheets with the
unique Student Names from columns A:A in all sheets, and sum up all values
from all worksheets for particular Lesson Grades from range B2:G30.
To simplify,
Say I have a name "Jack Junior" in A5 for Sheet1. The same name may appear
in different cell positions for column A in Sheet2, Sheet3, ...Sheet10. Now
when I execute the macro, I need my macro to create a new sheet named "Jack
Junior", with the same lesson names from all sheets for B1:G1, and if B1
displays say "Maths", cell B2 will be the sum of all Maths Grade values for
"Jack Junior" displayed in Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3, ...Sheet10.
Can macro experts give example solutions?