I have set up a custom form in excel for users to select or type data into
that then sends the information to a new sheet in a list format at button
click e.g

Email only recontact size Budget
yes no 100 5000
no yes 200 6000

I then made it a shared workbook with the necessary ranges unprotected. but
say for instance i am adding new data into the form thus creating a new
record it places it underneath the previous record, but if my partner is also
adding new records in the shared workbook at the same time abviously some of
his cells and my cells conflict so when saved you have to change the previous
persons work thus loosing the records the other user made. is there a macro
or an option or somthing to say when saved if data in cells in range #1
(example)do not change make saved entry go to unused cells underneath the
last record, and i dont want to have to start again because i have several
complex cost, losses and estimate calculations running off that data being
stored their to be able to remember wich i need to change. Can you help