Hey Everyone,
I have a drive that holds about 20 folders, each of which contains anywhere
from 10-1000 tiff files. I have a program that, given a list of numbers,
goes in and finds the appropriate file and prints the drawing into the active
excel workbook and then prints off a hard copy. below, I have included a
portion of the code that I am using, i can include more if you like, but i
didn't want this to be too long. This seems to be the main hang-up area, it
just searches very slowly. Is there a bit of code that would search through
these files faster?

With Application.FileSearch
.LookIn = "V:\" & foldername
.FileType = msoFileTypeAllFiles
If .Execute() > 0 Then
For i = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count
If StrComp(.FoundFiles(i), revpath) > 0 Then 'when code has gone
one part too far
If i = 1 Then 'i.e. if drawing even exist
MsgBox "Drawing " & myCell & " is not listed.", , "Sorry"
Exit For
x = i - 1
'Print to excel file and so on