I have a worksheet that in one column (B) I have a formula that pulls results
from another column (D). The results in D range from 0 to 3.00. If the
results in D are greater then 0 they are displayed in B. However if the
reslut is 0, then nothing is to appear in B. Here is my formula in Column B
Row 1 : =IF(D1>0,D1," ").

Here is the problem, if the results in D1 are .0001 it needs to apear in B1
as " .01% ( two decimal places). However, if the result in D1 is .000001,
then the result should appear as .0001%. In other words, if the results in
column D are >= to .0001, then they should appear as x.xx% in column B. If
the rsults in column D are <= to .00009, then thyey should appear as x.xxxx%
in column D.

Can anyone give me a solution? Thanks.