I would like to obtain numbers that are in sequence in a six column ranges.
Selecting across Columns only not rows.
Such as, A1.. F3
1 1 12 33 9 10 44
2 0 3 4 13 94 15
3 2 9 10 9 10 29
9 & 10 are in sequence across columns in row 1
So are 3 & 4 in sequence in row 2
9 & 10 are in sequence in row 3
Once the sequence has been identified, 9 & 10; 3 & 4; 9 & 10
only 9 & 10 they would be highlighted by a color such as grey,
based on the required number 9
Kindly a solution was provided for all sequences, which
worked well. A refined search based on a required number
only, such as number 9. So only sequences in this case
numbers 9 & 10 would be highlighted. It could be another
number such as 1 for sequence 1 & 2 the next time around.
If the above is not possible, then to highlight number 9 with a darker
gray color, making the 9 in 9 & 10 more outstanding.
Sub Look()
Dim x As Range
With Sheets("Sheet 1")
Set x = .Range(.Range("A1"), .Range("F3"))
End With
For Each C In x
If C.Value = (C.Offset(0, 1).Value - 1) Then
Range(C, C.Offset(0, 1)).Select
With Selection.Interior
.ColorIndex = 15
.Pattern = xlSolid
End With
End If
End Sub
If someone could kindly refine the above solution.
With thanks in advance