I guess you could make the following change to Leith's code for your current requirement:2- I also need a macro that will move an entire row to the bottom of the worksheet (sort) if column D or I cells contain either a zero or negative number in it.
Some body has already written a macro in the attached file for something similar ie moving the entire row to the bottom if column N cells contain anything other than "Available".however I dont really know what to do to change it.
With ActiveSheet
For I = StartRow To R - 1
ColD = .Cells(I, "J").Value
ColI = .Cells(I, "K").Value
If ColD <= 0 Or ColI <= 0 Then
With .Range(Cells(I, 1), Cells(I, C))
.Copy (ActiveSheet.Range(FreeRow))
.Delete (xlShiftUp)
End With
End If
Next I
End With
Note: The "Available" code was modified
- Mangesh