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Find the Page Number

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  1. #1

    Find the Page Number

    Can anyone tell me how I can find the page number that a cell will
    print on. I would like to build an index of products and their page
    numbers within a price list workbook but I cannot find out how to read
    the grey page numebr that you see in print preview mode.

    I have only just started playing with VBA so be gentle !



  2. #2
    Ron de Bruin

    Re: Find the Page Number

    See this example Graham

    Regards Ron de Bruin

    "Graham" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
    > Can anyone tell me how I can find the page number that a cell will
    > print on. I would like to build an index of products and their page
    > numbers within a price list workbook but I cannot find out how to read
    > the grey page numebr that you see in print preview mode.
    > I have only just started playing with VBA so be gentle !
    > Cheers
    > Graham

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