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Macro to delete Defined Names

  1. #1
    Mike Piazza

    Macro to delete Defined Names

    I have have the below as a start on my why to writing a macro to delete
    unused defined names from a workbook. MY question is can a place an if
    statement where the [New Code] placeholder is to test if the name is
    currently used in the workbook or refers to a print area? Thanks for the

    Sub DeleteNames()

    ' DeleteNames Macro
    ' Macro Written 5/12/2005 by MRP

    Dim rng As Range
    Dim ThisName As Name
    Msg = "This Macro will delete all Defined Names in this workbook. Are
    you sure you wish to proceed?"
    Ans = MsgBox(Msg, vbYesNo)
    If Ans = vbYes Then

    For Each ThisName In ActiveWorkbook.Names
    [New Code]
    Next ThisName

    End If

    End Sub

  2. #2

    Re: Macro to delete Defined Names

    Finding out if a name is used is not easy..
    it may be used in vbacode, datavalidation, conditional formatting etc.

    Jan Karel Pieterse has 2 excellent utilities that'll help you do it..
    NameManager & FlexFind
    download from http://www.oaltd.co.uk/MVP/Default.htm

    other hint:
    when you want to delete all items in a collection
    it's better to use a reverse numeric iteration.
    then a for each object in collection approach.

    Best try:
    With activeworkbook.names
    For i = .Count To 1 Step -1
    end with

    due to duplication of global and local names deleting
    names by name is NOT that straightforward:
    global names (workbook is parent) cannot be accessed if a local name
    (same name with worksheet as parent) exists on the active sheet

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    Mike Piazza wrote :

    > I have have the below as a start on my why to writing a macro to
    > delete unused defined names from a workbook. MY question is can a
    > place an if statement where the [New Code] placeholder is to test if
    > the name is currently used in the workbook or refers to a print area?
    > Thanks for the help.
    > Sub DeleteNames()
    > '
    > ' DeleteNames Macro
    > ' Macro Written 5/12/2005 by MRP
    > '
    > Dim rng As Range
    > Dim ThisName As Name
    > Msg = "This Macro will delete all Defined Names in this workbook.
    > Are you sure you wish to proceed?"
    > Ans = MsgBox(Msg, vbYesNo)
    > If Ans = vbYes Then
    > For Each ThisName In ActiveWorkbook.Names
    > [New Code]
    > ThisName.Delete
    > Next ThisName
    > End If
    > End Sub

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