I have tried to "hide" and "show" and that does not work. The form will be
shown again, but none of the buttons work on it. You cannot even terminate
the form at that point.
"Tom Ogilvy" wrote:
> You should probably hide the form rather than unload it.
> Me.hide rather than unload me
> --
> Regards,
> Tom Ogilvy
> "SS" <SS@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> news:85110291-278F-4F4B-9F06-46F9E1401F7A@microsoft.com...
> > I have a form that will appear when my ecel file is opened. When one of
> the
> > command buttons is select, the form is hidden, a series of code is
> processed,
> > and the form is to reappear.
> >
> > What actually happens is that the form reappears as it is supposed to, but
> > none of the buttons will respond to being selected.
> >
> > I have tried to unload and load the form, with no success. Does anyone
> know
> > why the program is not jumping out of the module and back to letting the
> form
> > have control?
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > SS