use chr(10)...
example msgbox "This is the first line" & chr(10) _
& "This is the second line"

"greenjellystar" wrote:

> hello...i can't get my msgbox to display multiple lines...can someone help me
> with code is below...
> Worksheets("Sup 31xx").Range("M13").Formula = "='Sup 31xx'!$L$10+'Sup
> 32xx'!$L$10+'Sup 39xx'!$L$10+'Sup 4xxx'!$L$10"
> Dim cat
> cat = Worksheets("Sup 31xx").Range("M13")
> MsgBox "The categorical total for SUPPLIES is: " & cat & " Have a great
> day!", vbOKOnly, "Category Total for SUPPLIES"
> thanks and have a great one, jessie