This has nothing to do with Excel, but I think it come pretty close to what
you want and is fairly simple. To start with teams 1-13 are at stations 1-13,
14-22 are at 1-9. Teams 1-13, move one table at a time, but teams 14-22 will
move two tables at a time. This may not work perfectly, but it is simple and
easy to administer.
"MJW" wrote:
> I have a school "field day" to plan. I have 22 teams to participate at
> 13 stations. Obviously, some stations will have 2 teams at it at one
> time. The simple way would be to just pair up 2 teams and rotate them
> together at the same time. However I do NOT want the same teams to be
> at the same stations all the time.
> Is there a way I can create an excel worksheet to move a the teams
> randomly through all the stations without the same teams bumping into
> each other more than a couple times?
> Thanks for any help.
> (Note: I'm using Excel 2000)