Hope all of you can help out. Thanks.

Description of the Excel Workbook:

Sheet 1

VAR01 var1
VAR03 var03
VAR02 var02

Sheet 2

var03 23
var02 34
var1 10

Sheet 3


Question Here:

How can i do calc formulas on column B sheet 3 and output results on column A sheet 3? All datas are not sorted. Search function may be required.

The process as below....

the formulas has to refer from
1. UPPERCASE VAR -> lowercase var (at sheet 1)
2. lowercase var refer to its value (at sheet 2)
3. value from sheet 2 return to sheet 3
4. perform formula calc and output results in column A sheet 3.

Is this possible in Excel Macro?

Really need a solution as i'm just begin to experiment Excel Macro for my studies.

Thanks a lot.