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[SOLVED] Macro to cut rows into another worksheet if a cell contains a specific word

  1. #1
    Jason via OfficeKB.com

    [SOLVED] Macro to cut rows into another worksheet if a cell contains a specific word

    Ive got a spreadsheet which contains outstanding share trades which clients
    have placed, but it contains other products i do not deal with. I would
    like the macro to run throught the asset name column and to cut the entire
    row into another worksheet called delete if it contains either of the
    following: SWAPS, FX, CFD,Bank Bill,pension or SUPER. Would this code be
    straight forward to write? anyone with suggestions?

  2. #2
    Patrick Molloy

    RE: Macro to cut rows into another worksheet if a cell contains a spec

    Sub Remover()
    Dim newrow As Long
    Dim rw As Long
    Dim product As String
    product = "A"
    rw = 1
    Do Until Cells(rw, product) = ""
    Select Case Cells(rw, product)
    Case "SWAPS", "FX", "CFD", "Bank Bill", "pension", "SUPER"
    newrow = newrow + 1
    Worksheets("delete").Rows(newrow).Value = Rows(rw).Value
    Case Else
    End Select
    rw = rw + 1
    End Sub

    "Jason via OfficeKB.com" wrote:

    > Ive got a spreadsheet which contains outstanding share trades which clients
    > have placed, but it contains other products i do not deal with. I would
    > like the macro to run throught the asset name column and to cut the entire
    > row into another worksheet called delete if it contains either of the
    > following: SWAPS, FX, CFD,Bank Bill,pension or SUPER. Would this code be
    > straight forward to write? anyone with suggestions?

  3. #3
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: Macro to cut rows into another worksheet if a cell contains a specific word

    Assume assests column is F:

    Sub CutData()
    Dim sStr as String, Cell as Range, rng as Range
    sStr = "#SWAPS#FX#CFD#Bank Bill#Pension#SUPER#"
    for each cell in Range("F2:F200")
    if Instr(1,sStr,Cell.Value,vbTextCompare)>0 then
    if rng is nothing then
    set rng = cell
    set rng = union(rng,cell)
    end if
    end if
    if not rng is nothing then
    rng.EntireRow.copy Destination:=worksheets( _
    End if
    End Sub

    Tom Ogilvy

    "Jason via OfficeKB.com" <forum@nospam.OfficeKB.com> wrote in message
    > Ive got a spreadsheet which contains outstanding share trades which

    > have placed, but it contains other products i do not deal with. I would
    > like the macro to run throught the asset name column and to cut the entire
    > row into another worksheet called delete if it contains either of the
    > following: SWAPS, FX, CFD,Bank Bill,pension or SUPER. Would this code be
    > straight forward to write? anyone with suggestions?

  4. #4

    Re: Macro to cut rows into another worksheet if a cell contains a specific word

    Try something like this You will need to change the variables below to match
    tour rows and sheet names etc.

    Public Sub CleanUp_My_Data()

    Dim Rng As Range 'number of rows
    Dim First_Row As Integer 'FIRST ROW Number
    Dim SheetName As String 'Name of working SHEET
    Dim Paste_Sheet As String 'Name of sheet to Paste to
    Dim Column_To_Check As String 'Letter of the asset name column
    Dim Paste_Row As Integer
    Dim lngROW As Long 'row count


    First_Row = 5
    SheetName = "Sheet1"
    Paste_Sheet = "delete"
    Column_To_Check = "B" 'What is the AssetName Column
    Paste_Row = 1

    Set Rng = Worksheets(SheetName).UsedRange.Rows
    lngROW = First_Row

    While lngROW <= Rng.Rows.Count

    If InStr(1, UCase(Worksheets(SheetName).Range("F" & lngROW).Value),
    "SWAPS") > 0 Or _
    InStr(1, UCase(Worksheets(SheetName).Range("F" & lngROW).Value),
    "FX") > 0 Or _
    InStr(1, UCase(Worksheets(SheetName).Range("F" & lngROW).Value),
    "CFD") > 0 Or _
    InStr(1, UCase(Worksheets(SheetName).Range("F" & lngROW).Value),
    "BANK BILL") > 0 Or _
    InStr(1, UCase(Worksheets(SheetName).Range("F" & lngROW).Value),
    "PENSION") > 0 Or _
    InStr(1, UCase(Worksheets(SheetName).Range("F" & lngROW).Value),
    "SUPER") > 0 Then

    Application.Range("A" & lngROW, "ZZ" & lngROW).Copy
    Destination:=Worksheets(Paste_Sheet).Range("A" & Paste_Row)

    lngROW = lngROW + 1
    Paste_Row = Paste_Row + 1
    End If


  5. #5
    Jason via OfficeKB.com

    Re: Macro to cut rows into another worksheet if a cell contains a specific word

    Thanks guys for your input ! ill give it a crack when I go to work on
    monday. Enjoy your weekend !


    Message posted via http://www.officekb.com

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