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Macro that deletes certain rows and not others

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Guest Macro that deletes certain... 05-01-2005, 09:06 PM
Guest RE: Macro that deletes... 05-01-2005, 09:06 PM
Guest Re: Macro that deletes... 05-01-2005, 09:06 PM
Guest Re: Macro that deletes... 05-01-2005, 10:06 PM
Guest Re: Macro that deletes... 05-02-2005, 02:07 AM
Guest Re: Macro that deletes... 05-02-2005, 03:06 AM
Guest Re: Macro that deletes... 05-02-2005, 01:06 PM
Guest Re: Macro that deletes... 05-02-2005, 02:06 PM
Guest Re: Macro that deletes... 05-02-2005, 07:06 PM
  1. #1

    Macro that deletes certain rows and not others

    I would like to test the following which are in about 15 rows

    if cell contains any kind of text then go to next row as don't want to
    delete rows
    with text in them
    exit if
    else - this covers blanks cells and cells with numbers in them
    delete row

    Repeat until done about 15 times

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


  2. #2

    RE: Macro that deletes certain rows and not others

    Try something like this (save your data before testing). This tests each used
    cell in Column A and deletes the entire row if that cell is empty or contains
    numeric data.

    Sub DelRows()

    Dim endRow As Long
    Dim counter As Long

    endRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

    For counter = endRow To 1 Step -1
    If IsNumeric(Cells(counter, 1).Value) Or _
    IsEmpty(Cells(counter, 1).Value) Then
    Cells(counter, 1).EntireRow.Delete
    End If
    Next counter

    End Sub

    Hope this helps

    "Roger" wrote:

    > I would like to test the following which are in about 15 rows
    > if cell contains any kind of text then go to next row as don't want to
    > delete rows
    > with text in them
    > exit if
    > else - this covers blanks cells and cells with numbers in them
    > delete row
    > Repeat until done about 15 times
    > Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
    > Roger

  3. #3
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: Macro that deletes certain rows and not others


    Tom Ogilvy

    "Roger" <rb10@canada.com> wrote in message
    > I would like to test the following which are in about 15 rows
    > if cell contains any kind of text then go to next row as don't want to
    > delete rows
    > with text in them
    > exit if
    > else - this covers blanks cells and cells with numbers in them
    > delete row
    > Repeat until done about 15 times
    > Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
    > Roger

  4. #4
    Vasant Nanavati

    Re: Macro that deletes certain rows and not others

    If you want a good answer, you have to take the trouble to write a good

    How many populated columns are there in each row?

    Do you want to delete the row only if NONE of the cells in that row contains

    If so, try the following:

    Sub DeleteSelectedRows(rng As Range)
    Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, fDelete As Boolean
    fDelete = True
    For i = rng.Rows.Count To 1 Step -1
    For j = 1 To rng.Columns.Count
    If WorksheetFunction.IsText(rng(i, j)) Then
    fDelete = False
    Exit For
    End If
    If fDelete Then rng(i, j).EntireRow.Delete
    fDelete = True
    End Sub



    "Roger" <rb10@canada.com> wrote in message
    > I would like to test the following which are in about 15 rows
    > if cell contains any kind of text then go to next row as don't want to
    > delete rows
    > with text in them
    > exit if
    > else - this covers blanks cells and cells with numbers in them
    > delete row
    > Repeat until done about 15 times
    > Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
    > Roger

  5. #5

    Re: Macro that deletes certain rows and not others

    First of all let me thank each of you Rowan, Tom and Vasant for trying to
    solve my problem. Unfortunately because I am a relatively basic macro user
    I could not get any of the 3 macros to work although I did spend several
    hours trying.

    However I have learned a lot so here are my ideas that may help you solve
    the problem if you would be so kind. My data starts on row 14 and is spread
    out down to row 50 before any corrections are done. They do end up as 15 as
    previously mentioned. The column to search is D where there are only cells
    that are either blank, numeric or text. Column E has my data in it and does
    not need any work that won't be solved by the correct info in column C.

    I look forward to your answers and thank you again for all your help.


    "Roger" <rb10@canada.com> wrote in message
    >I would like to test the following which are in about 15 rows
    > if cell contains any kind of text then go to next row as don't want to
    > delete rows
    > with text in them
    > exit if
    > else - this covers blanks cells and cells with numbers in them
    > delete row
    > Repeat until done about 15 times
    > Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
    > Roger

  6. #6

    Re: Macro that deletes certain rows and not others


    I am afraid you new explanation has left me more confused than before but
    that could just be me

    If you just want to delete any row which has a blank or numeric data in
    column D then you can adapt Tom's answer as follows:

    Sub DelRows()
    On Error Resume Next
    Columns(4).SpecialCells(xlConstants, xlNumbers).EntireRow.Delete
    End Sub

    If there is something else you want to achieve then you will probably need
    to explain what is in rows 1 - 14 and what you want done with these rows,
    what data is in columns E and C and what their relationship is to column D
    and what you mean by "before corrections are done".

    Hope this helps

    "Roger" wrote:

    > First of all let me thank each of you Rowan, Tom and Vasant for trying to
    > solve my problem. Unfortunately because I am a relatively basic macro user
    > I could not get any of the 3 macros to work although I did spend several
    > hours trying.
    > However I have learned a lot so here are my ideas that may help you solve
    > the problem if you would be so kind. My data starts on row 14 and is spread
    > out down to row 50 before any corrections are done. They do end up as 15 as
    > previously mentioned. The column to search is D where there are only cells
    > that are either blank, numeric or text. Column E has my data in it and does
    > not need any work that won't be solved by the correct info in column C.
    > I look forward to your answers and thank you again for all your help.
    > Roger
    > "Roger" <rb10@canada.com> wrote in message
    > news:OGoEL5qTFHA.3244@TK2MSFTNGP15.phx.gbl...
    > >I would like to test the following which are in about 15 rows
    > >
    > > if cell contains any kind of text then go to next row as don't want to
    > > delete rows
    > > with text in them
    > > exit if
    > > else - this covers blanks cells and cells with numbers in them
    > > delete row
    > >
    > > Repeat until done about 15 times
    > >
    > > Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
    > >
    > > Roger
    > >


  7. #7

    Re: Macro that deletes certain rows and not others

    Rowan, thanks for the update and sorry for any confusion. Your new macro
    works very well with one exception - hopefully minor.
    I would like the data to start at D16 as there is info above there that I
    would like to keep there if possible.

    BTW I am using Excel 2002 and would like it to work in Excel 5 as well if
    that is possible.



    "Rowan" <Rowan@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > Roger
    > I am afraid you new explanation has left me more confused than before but
    > that could just be me
    > If you just want to delete any row which has a blank or numeric data in
    > column D then you can adapt Tom's answer as follows:
    > Sub DelRows()
    > On Error Resume Next
    > Columns(4).SpecialCells(xlConstants, xlNumbers).EntireRow.Delete
    > Columns(4).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).EntireRow.Delete
    > End Sub
    > If there is something else you want to achieve then you will probably need
    > to explain what is in rows 1 - 14 and what you want done with these rows,
    > what data is in columns E and C and what their relationship is to column D
    > and what you mean by "before corrections are done".
    > Hope this helps
    > Rowan
    > "Roger" wrote:
    >> First of all let me thank each of you Rowan, Tom and Vasant for trying to
    >> solve my problem. Unfortunately because I am a relatively basic macro
    >> user
    >> I could not get any of the 3 macros to work although I did spend several
    >> hours trying.
    >> However I have learned a lot so here are my ideas that may help you solve
    >> the problem if you would be so kind. My data starts on row 14 and is
    >> spread
    >> out down to row 50 before any corrections are done. They do end up as 15
    >> as
    >> previously mentioned. The column to search is D where there are only
    >> cells
    >> that are either blank, numeric or text. Column E has my data in it and
    >> does
    >> not need any work that won't be solved by the correct info in column C.
    >> I look forward to your answers and thank you again for all your help.
    >> Roger
    >> "Roger" <rb10@canada.com> wrote in message
    >> news:OGoEL5qTFHA.3244@TK2MSFTNGP15.phx.gbl...
    >> >I would like to test the following which are in about 15 rows
    >> >
    >> > if cell contains any kind of text then go to next row as don't want to
    >> > delete rows
    >> > with text in them
    >> > exit if
    >> > else - this covers blanks cells and cells with numbers in them
    >> > delete row
    >> >
    >> > Repeat until done about 15 times
    >> >
    >> > Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
    >> >
    >> > Roger
    >> >


  8. #8
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: Macro that deletes certain rows and not others

    Sub DelRows()
    Dim rng as Range
    On Error Resume Next
    set rng = Range("D16",Cells(rows.count,4).End(xlup))
    On Error Resume Next
    rng.SpecialCells(xlConstants, xlNumbers).EntireRow.Delete
    On Error goto 0
    End Sub

    Tom Ogilvy

    "Roger" <rb10@canada.com> wrote in message
    > Rowan, thanks for the update and sorry for any confusion. Your new macro
    > works very well with one exception - hopefully minor.
    > I would like the data to start at D16 as there is info above there that I
    > would like to keep there if possible.
    > BTW I am using Excel 2002 and would like it to work in Excel 5 as well if
    > that is possible.
    > Thanks,
    > Roger
    > "Rowan" <Rowan@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > news:00917A4C-A45F-4D87-9A4D-BD7743F734A8@microsoft.com...
    > > Roger
    > >
    > > I am afraid you new explanation has left me more confused than before

    > > that could just be me
    > >
    > > If you just want to delete any row which has a blank or numeric data in
    > > column D then you can adapt Tom's answer as follows:
    > >
    > > Sub DelRows()
    > > On Error Resume Next
    > > Columns(4).SpecialCells(xlConstants, xlNumbers).EntireRow.Delete
    > > Columns(4).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).EntireRow.Delete
    > > End Sub
    > >
    > > If there is something else you want to achieve then you will probably

    > > to explain what is in rows 1 - 14 and what you want done with these

    > > what data is in columns E and C and what their relationship is to column

    > > and what you mean by "before corrections are done".
    > >
    > > Hope this helps
    > > Rowan
    > >
    > > "Roger" wrote:
    > >
    > >>
    > >> First of all let me thank each of you Rowan, Tom and Vasant for trying

    > >> solve my problem. Unfortunately because I am a relatively basic macro
    > >> user
    > >> I could not get any of the 3 macros to work although I did spend

    > >> hours trying.
    > >>
    > >> However I have learned a lot so here are my ideas that may help you

    > >> the problem if you would be so kind. My data starts on row 14 and is
    > >> spread
    > >> out down to row 50 before any corrections are done. They do end up as

    > >> as
    > >> previously mentioned. The column to search is D where there are only
    > >> cells
    > >> that are either blank, numeric or text. Column E has my data in it and
    > >> does
    > >> not need any work that won't be solved by the correct info in column C.
    > >>
    > >> I look forward to your answers and thank you again for all your help.
    > >>
    > >> Roger
    > >>
    > >>
    > >> "Roger" <rb10@canada.com> wrote in message
    > >> news:OGoEL5qTFHA.3244@TK2MSFTNGP15.phx.gbl...
    > >> >I would like to test the following which are in about 15 rows
    > >> >
    > >> > if cell contains any kind of text then go to next row as don't want

    > >> > delete rows
    > >> > with text in them
    > >> > exit if
    > >> > else - this covers blanks cells and cells with numbers in them
    > >> > delete row
    > >> >
    > >> > Repeat until done about 15 times
    > >> >
    > >> > Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
    > >> >
    > >> > Roger
    > >> >
    > >>
    > >>
    > >>


  9. #9

    Re: Macro that deletes certain rows and not others

    Say you folks have been a wonderful help. Thanks ever so much for
    persevering with an amateur. Without you I would never have got it right.

    Many thanks,


    "Tom Ogilvy" <twogilvy@msn.com> wrote in message
    > Sub DelRows()
    > Dim rng as Range
    > On Error Resume Next
    > set rng = Range("D16",Cells(rows.count,4).End(xlup))
    > On Error Resume Next
    > rng.SpecialCells(xlConstants, xlNumbers).EntireRow.Delete
    > rng.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).EntireRow.Delete
    > On Error goto 0
    > End Sub
    > --
    > Regards,
    > Tom Ogilvy
    > "Roger" <rb10@canada.com> wrote in message
    > news:%23GbP4KzTFHA.1432@TK2MSFTNGP09.phx.gbl...
    >> Rowan, thanks for the update and sorry for any confusion. Your new macro
    >> works very well with one exception - hopefully minor.
    >> I would like the data to start at D16 as there is info above there that I
    >> would like to keep there if possible.
    >> BTW I am using Excel 2002 and would like it to work in Excel 5 as well if
    >> that is possible.
    >> Thanks,
    >> Roger
    >> "Rowan" <Rowan@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    >> news:00917A4C-A45F-4D87-9A4D-BD7743F734A8@microsoft.com...
    >> > Roger
    >> >
    >> > I am afraid you new explanation has left me more confused than before

    > but
    >> > that could just be me
    >> >
    >> > If you just want to delete any row which has a blank or numeric data in
    >> > column D then you can adapt Tom's answer as follows:
    >> >
    >> > Sub DelRows()
    >> > On Error Resume Next
    >> > Columns(4).SpecialCells(xlConstants, xlNumbers).EntireRow.Delete
    >> > Columns(4).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).EntireRow.Delete
    >> > End Sub
    >> >
    >> > If there is something else you want to achieve then you will probably

    > need
    >> > to explain what is in rows 1 - 14 and what you want done with these

    > rows,
    >> > what data is in columns E and C and what their relationship is to
    >> > column

    > D
    >> > and what you mean by "before corrections are done".
    >> >
    >> > Hope this helps
    >> > Rowan
    >> >
    >> > "Roger" wrote:
    >> >
    >> >>
    >> >> First of all let me thank each of you Rowan, Tom and Vasant for trying

    > to
    >> >> solve my problem. Unfortunately because I am a relatively basic macro
    >> >> user
    >> >> I could not get any of the 3 macros to work although I did spend

    > several
    >> >> hours trying.
    >> >>
    >> >> However I have learned a lot so here are my ideas that may help you

    > solve
    >> >> the problem if you would be so kind. My data starts on row 14 and is
    >> >> spread
    >> >> out down to row 50 before any corrections are done. They do end up as

    > 15
    >> >> as
    >> >> previously mentioned. The column to search is D where there are only
    >> >> cells
    >> >> that are either blank, numeric or text. Column E has my data in it
    >> >> and
    >> >> does
    >> >> not need any work that won't be solved by the correct info in column
    >> >> C.
    >> >>
    >> >> I look forward to your answers and thank you again for all your help.
    >> >>
    >> >> Roger
    >> >>
    >> >>
    >> >> "Roger" <rb10@canada.com> wrote in message
    >> >> news:OGoEL5qTFHA.3244@TK2MSFTNGP15.phx.gbl...
    >> >> >I would like to test the following which are in about 15 rows
    >> >> >
    >> >> > if cell contains any kind of text then go to next row as don't want

    > to
    >> >> > delete rows
    >> >> > with text in them
    >> >> > exit if
    >> >> > else - this covers blanks cells and cells with numbers in them
    >> >> > delete row
    >> >> >
    >> >> > Repeat until done about 15 times
    >> >> >
    >> >> > Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
    >> >> >
    >> >> > Roger
    >> >> >
    >> >>
    >> >>
    >> >>



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