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Exporting block of data to a Text File

  1. #1
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    Exporting block of data to a Text File

    I have a block of data (5 columns by 396 rows) that I would like to export to a text file, tab delimited using a macro. Any ideas?


  2. #2
    Forum Guru
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    When I've done it, I've used the SaveAs method, indicating that the worksheet should be saved as a tab delimited text file. But then I have to execute another SaveAs to save the workbook as an Excel file (so I don't lose all of the other worksheets and formulas and such). I, too, would be interested in knowing if there's a better way to export a text file.

  3. #3
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Hello Mike,

    This macro will save the active worksheet as a tab delimited file. When it runs, you will prompted for the Directory Path and Filename in which to save the data.
    If you are not saving the entire worksheet, I can modify the macro.

    Macro to Save Worksheet as Tab Delimited File:

    Public Sub SaveAsTabbedText()

    Dim StartCol
    Dim EndCol
    Dim I As Integer
    Dim StartRow As Long
    Dim EndRow As Long

    Dim EndString As String
    Dim FileName As String
    Dim Filenum As Integer

    With ActiveSheet.UsedRange
    StartRow = .Row
    StartCol = .Column
    EndRow = .Rows.Count + StartRow - 1
    EndCol = .Columns.Count + StartCol - 1
    End With

    Filenum = FreeFile
    FileName = InputBox("Please Enter the Directory Path and File Name Below.")
    If FileName = "" Then Exit Sub
    I = InStr(1, Right(FileName, 4), ".")
    If I = 0 Then FileName = FileName & ".txt"

    Open FileName For Output As #Filenum
    For R = StartRow To EndRow
    For C = StartCol to EndCol
    If C = EndCol Then
    Data = Data & ActiveSheet.Cells(R, C).Value
    Data = Data & ActiveSheet.Cells(R, C).Value & vbTab
    End If
    Next C
    Print #Filenum, Data
    Data = ""
    Next R
    Close #Filenum

    End Sub

    Let me know how this works for you. If you want , you can e-mail me at LeithRoss@aol.com.

    Leith Ross
    Last edited by Leith Ross; 04-29-2005 at 06:43 AM. Reason: Code correction to find file extension

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