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Array Check

  1. #1

    Array Check

    I have a lot of code, but the critical portion of it is an array check:

    Dim loadcases() As Variant
    loadcases = Array(1010!, 1020!.....etc)
    Do Until Mid(ActiveCell.Value, 3, 4) = loadcases(i)
    If ActiveCell.Value = "END" Then Exit Do
    ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select

    I manually assign values to my array as show of 4 digit numbers and
    then check a cell for the matching value. The cells actual value looks
    something like this:

    Why is is that can not find the match? I have checked both my MID
    statement with a MsgBox to make sure it was pulling the 1010 and I
    checked the loadcase(i) to make sure that also had 1010. But I never
    finds the match. Any ideas? Thanks!

  2. #2
    Bernie Deitrick

    Re: Array Check


    What is it that you are trying to do? I'm sure that if you explain your
    desired result, we could produce better code than looping through cells and
    selecting them....

    MS Excel MVP

    "NacellesEng" <barwija@voughtaircraft.com> wrote in message
    > I have a lot of code, but the critical portion of it is an array check:
    > Dim loadcases() As Variant
    > loadcases = Array(1010!, 1020!.....etc)
    > Do Until Mid(ActiveCell.Value, 3, 4) = loadcases(i)
    > If ActiveCell.Value = "END" Then Exit Do
    > ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
    > Loop
    > I manually assign values to my array as show of 4 digit numbers and
    > then check a cell for the matching value. The cells actual value looks
    > something like this:
    > LC10101000000000
    > Why is is that can not find the match? I have checked both my MID
    > statement with a MsgBox to make sure it was pulling the 1010 and I
    > checked the loadcase(i) to make sure that also had 1010. But I never
    > finds the match. Any ideas? Thanks!

  3. #3
    Jason Barwig

    Re: Array Check

    I have a very large excel file full of loadcases with corresponding
    loads. I am writing some quick code to make my life easier to parse
    through 30 different excel files one at a time and look for maximum and
    minimum loads. There are 31 different loadcases and they are not all in
    each file. So my code open each file, checks to see if the loadcase
    identifier (the 4 digit code in the array) exists in the file, and if it
    does then checks for max and mins in 4 different sets of elements
    looking for the total max and min. There is a lot of data. So the loop
    I am using is after the file has been opened, the first array value is
    pulled out and checked against the 4 digit integer I am grabing with the
    MID function. I need to work my way all the way through the file to
    make sure it exists. It stops on the first find and then preforms more
    code which again loops through the rest of the document and checks the
    max and mins at the other 4 element groups. The total code works just
    fine if I first assign each array integer to a dummy integer variable.
    If I only managed to confuse you more I am sorry. Thanks for your help.


    *** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***

  4. #4
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: Array Check

    Your comparing a single to a string.

    Dim loadcases() As Variant
    loadcases = Array(1010!, 1020!.....etc)
    Do Until Mid(ActiveCell.Value, 3, 4)) = format(loadcases(i)),"0000")
    If ActiveCell.Value = "END" Then Exit Do
    ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select

    Tom Ogilvy

    "NacellesEng" <barwija@voughtaircraft.com> wrote in message
    > I have a lot of code, but the critical portion of it is an array check:
    > Dim loadcases() As Variant
    > loadcases = Array(1010!, 1020!.....etc)
    > Do Until Mid(ActiveCell.Value, 3, 4) = loadcases(i)
    > If ActiveCell.Value = "END" Then Exit Do
    > ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
    > Loop
    > I manually assign values to my array as show of 4 digit numbers and
    > then check a cell for the matching value. The cells actual value looks
    > something like this:
    > LC10101000000000
    > Why is is that can not find the match? I have checked both my MID
    > statement with a MsgBox to make sure it was pulling the 1010 and I
    > checked the loadcase(i) to make sure that also had 1010. But I never
    > finds the match. Any ideas? Thanks!

  5. #5
    Jim Thomlinson

    RE: Array Check

    Why is loadcases a variant? I ask because I think that the varaible type is
    important here. Mid returns a string but your array is going to be full of
    variants. This could be the source of your problem. Make sure that you are
    comparing strings to strings or integers to integers... Based on your variant
    declaration I would guess string to string but hard to tell from here...


    "NacellesEng" wrote:

    > I have a lot of code, but the critical portion of it is an array check:
    > Dim loadcases() As Variant
    > loadcases = Array(1010!, 1020!.....etc)
    > Do Until Mid(ActiveCell.Value, 3, 4) = loadcases(i)
    > If ActiveCell.Value = "END" Then Exit Do
    > ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
    > Loop
    > I manually assign values to my array as show of 4 digit numbers and
    > then check a cell for the matching value. The cells actual value looks
    > something like this:
    > LC10101000000000
    > Why is is that can not find the match? I have checked both my MID
    > statement with a MsgBox to make sure it was pulling the 1010 and I
    > checked the loadcase(i) to make sure that also had 1010. But I never
    > finds the match. Any ideas? Thanks!

  6. #6

    RE: Array Check

    Could be because your code does not increment the value of i in the loop?

    "NacellesEng" wrote:

    > I have a lot of code, but the critical portion of it is an array check:
    > Dim loadcases() As Variant
    > loadcases = Array(1010!, 1020!.....etc)
    > Do Until Mid(ActiveCell.Value, 3, 4) = loadcases(i)
    > If ActiveCell.Value = "END" Then Exit Do
    > ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
    > Loop
    > I manually assign values to my array as show of 4 digit numbers and
    > then check a cell for the matching value. The cells actual value looks
    > something like this:
    > LC10101000000000
    > Why is is that can not find the match? I have checked both my MID
    > statement with a MsgBox to make sure it was pulling the 1010 and I
    > checked the loadcase(i) to make sure that also had 1010. But I never
    > finds the match. Any ideas? Thanks!

  7. #7
    Bernie Deitrick

    Re: Array Check


    One immediate improvement might be to use the Find method, instead of
    stepping through your cells. For example, if you wanted to find your value
    in column C: (with loadcases already defined, as a global array) You can
    add looping ot porcess multiple workbooks: post back if you need help doing

    Sub Macro1()

    Dim myCell As Range
    Dim FirstAddress As String
    Dim mySht As Worksheet
    Dim i As Integer

    For Each mySht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets

    With mySht.Columns("C:C")
    For i = LBound(LoadCases) To UBound(LoadCases)
    Set myCell = .Find(What:=LoadCases(i), _
    LookIn:=xlValues, _
    If Not myCell Is Nothing Then
    FirstAddress = myCell.Address
    MsgBox myCell.Address & " contains " & LoadCases(i)
    GoTo NotFound
    End If

    Set myCell = .FindNext(myCell)
    If Not myCell Is Nothing And _
    myCell.Address <> FirstAddress Then
    MsgBox myCell.Address & " contains " & LoadCases(i)
    Set myCell = .FindNext(myCell)
    Loop While Not myCell Is Nothing And _
    myCell.Address <> FirstAddress
    End If
    Next i
    End With
    Next mySht
    End Sub

    MS Excel MVP

    "Jason Barwig" <barwija@voughtaircraft.com> wrote in message
    > I have a very large excel file full of loadcases with corresponding
    > loads. I am writing some quick code to make my life easier to parse
    > through 30 different excel files one at a time and look for maximum and
    > minimum loads. There are 31 different loadcases and they are not all in
    > each file. So my code open each file, checks to see if the loadcase
    > identifier (the 4 digit code in the array) exists in the file, and if it
    > does then checks for max and mins in 4 different sets of elements
    > looking for the total max and min. There is a lot of data. So the loop
    > I am using is after the file has been opened, the first array value is
    > pulled out and checked against the 4 digit integer I am grabing with the
    > MID function. I need to work my way all the way through the file to
    > make sure it exists. It stops on the first find and then preforms more
    > code which again loops through the rest of the document and checks the
    > max and mins at the other 4 element groups. The total code works just
    > fine if I first assign each array integer to a dummy integer variable.
    > If I only managed to confuse you more I am sorry. Thanks for your help.
    > Jason
    > *** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***

  8. #8
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: Array Check

    Using Find as shown,

    would be considered a postitive match for 1010!

    Perhaps you need to check potential matches to see if they are actual

    Tom Ogilvy

    "Bernie Deitrick" <deitbe @ consumer dot org> wrote in message
    > Jason,
    > One immediate improvement might be to use the Find method, instead of
    > stepping through your cells. For example, if you wanted to find your value
    > in column C: (with loadcases already defined, as a global array) You can
    > add looping ot porcess multiple workbooks: post back if you need help

    > that.
    > Sub Macro1()
    > Dim myCell As Range
    > Dim FirstAddress As String
    > Dim mySht As Worksheet
    > Dim i As Integer
    > For Each mySht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
    > With mySht.Columns("C:C")
    > For i = LBound(LoadCases) To UBound(LoadCases)
    > Set myCell = .Find(What:=LoadCases(i), _
    > LookIn:=xlValues, _
    > lookAt:=xlPart)
    > If Not myCell Is Nothing Then
    > FirstAddress = myCell.Address
    > MsgBox myCell.Address & " contains " & LoadCases(i)
    > Else
    > GoTo NotFound
    > End If
    > Set myCell = .FindNext(myCell)
    > If Not myCell Is Nothing And _
    > myCell.Address <> FirstAddress Then
    > Do
    > MsgBox myCell.Address & " contains " & LoadCases(i)
    > Set myCell = .FindNext(myCell)
    > Loop While Not myCell Is Nothing And _
    > myCell.Address <> FirstAddress
    > End If
    > Next i
    > End With
    > NotFound:
    > Next mySht
    > End Sub
    > HTH,
    > Bernie
    > MS Excel MVP
    > "Jason Barwig" <barwija@voughtaircraft.com> wrote in message
    > news:%23Chgsr0SFHA.2304@tk2msftngp13.phx.gbl...
    > > I have a very large excel file full of loadcases with corresponding
    > > loads. I am writing some quick code to make my life easier to parse
    > > through 30 different excel files one at a time and look for maximum and
    > > minimum loads. There are 31 different loadcases and they are not all in
    > > each file. So my code open each file, checks to see if the loadcase
    > > identifier (the 4 digit code in the array) exists in the file, and if it
    > > does then checks for max and mins in 4 different sets of elements
    > > looking for the total max and min. There is a lot of data. So the loop
    > > I am using is after the file has been opened, the first array value is
    > > pulled out and checked against the 4 digit integer I am grabing with the
    > > MID function. I need to work my way all the way through the file to
    > > make sure it exists. It stops on the first find and then preforms more
    > > code which again loops through the rest of the document and checks the
    > > max and mins at the other 4 element groups. The total code works just
    > > fine if I first assign each array integer to a dummy integer variable.
    > > If I only managed to confuse you more I am sorry. Thanks for your help.
    > >
    > > Jason
    > >
    > >
    > > *** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***


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