I have a lot of code, but the critical portion of it is an array check:
Dim loadcases() As Variant
loadcases = Array(1010!, 1020!.....etc)
Do Until Mid(ActiveCell.Value, 3, 4) = loadcases(i)
If ActiveCell.Value = "END" Then Exit Do
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
I manually assign values to my array as show of 4 digit numbers and
then check a cell for the matching value. The cells actual value looks
something like this:
Why is is that can not find the match? I have checked both my MID
statement with a MsgBox to make sure it was pulling the 1010 and I
checked the loadcase(i) to make sure that also had 1010. But I never
finds the match. Any ideas? Thanks!