If .Name Like "*[##]" Then _
.Name = Left(.Name, Len(.Name) - 2)
End If ...... Missing here
"davegb" wrote:
> I've combined 2 macros that I got help writing here.
> Sub AllSheetsToggleProtectWInd()
> 'for all sheets in currently active workbook, assigned to button
> Dim TopCell As Range
> Dim TopCol As Range
> Dim Cols2Hide As Range
> Dim wkSht As Worksheet
> For Each wkSht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
> With wkSht
> If .ProtectContents Then
> .Unprotect Password:=PWORD
> .Name = .Name & "##"
> .Columns.Hidden = False
> Else
> Set TopCell = .Rows(3).Find(What:="top",
> LookIn:=xlValues)
> If Not TopCell Is Nothing Then ' if it found "top"
> Set TopCol = .Columns(TopCell.Column)
> Set Cols2Hide = .Range(TopCol, .Columns("AC"))
> Cols2Hide.Hidden = True
> .Protect Password:=PWORD
> If .Name Like "*[##]" Then _
> .Name = Left(.Name, Len(.Name) - 2)
> End If
> End With<-----[end with without with error]
> Next wkSht
> End Sub
> But when I run it, I get an error of "End with without if", even though
> there's very clearly a "with wksht" statement at the top. If I remark
> out the End with, I get a "Next without For" error, even though there's
> a "For" statement. So any ideas on why VBA can't see my with or For
> each statements?
> Thanks in advance.