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Macro Copy Active Cell to Range Name, loop

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Guest Macro Copy Active Cell to... 04-25-2005, 02:06 PM
Guest Re: Macro Copy Active Cell to... 04-25-2005, 03:06 PM
Guest Re: Macro Copy Active Cell to... 04-25-2005, 03:06 PM
Guest Re: Macro Copy Active Cell to... 04-25-2005, 04:06 PM
Guest Re: Macro Copy Active Cell to... 04-25-2005, 04:06 PM
Guest Re: Macro Copy Active Cell to... 04-27-2005, 03:06 PM
Guest Re: Macro Copy Active Cell to... 04-25-2005, 05:06 PM
  1. #1

    Macro Copy Active Cell to Range Name, loop

    Hi, I need to create a macro to run the following sequence:

    1. Copy the Active Cell (say it's A1, "mark")
    2. Move up to the Name Box at top left corner to name the cell range
    (Is this correct for that location? -- ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add
    Name:="servera", RefersToR1C1:="=Sheet1!R1C1"
    3. Paste what was copied from the active cell and Enter, to name the
    cell range.
    4. Move to another cell, say A3 ("david) and restart the process,
    copying the active cell (which will hold a different name)

    Please use example below:
    A B C D E
    1 mark
    2 john
    3 david
    4 larry
    5 michael


  2. #2

    Re: Macro Copy Active Cell to Range Name, loop

    Sub NameMe()

    Dim strName As String
    Dim strAddr As String

    strName = ActiveCell.Value
    strAddr = ActiveCell.Address(, , xlR1C1)

    ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add _
    Name:=strName, _
    RefersToR1C1:="=Sheet1!" & strAddr

    End Sub

    You can use Offset to move from cell to cell, and loop as required.


    "zigstick" <zigstick@gmail.com> wrote in message
    > Hi, I need to create a macro to run the following sequence:
    > 1. Copy the Active Cell (say it's A1, "mark")
    > 2. Move up to the Name Box at top left corner to name the cell range
    > (Is this correct for that location? -- ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add
    > Name:="servera", RefersToR1C1:="=Sheet1!R1C1"
    > 3. Paste what was copied from the active cell and Enter, to name the
    > cell range.
    > 4. Move to another cell, say A3 ("david) and restart the process,
    > copying the active cell (which will hold a different name)
    > Please use example below:
    > A B C D E
    > 1 mark
    > 2 john
    > 3 david
    > 4 larry
    > 5 michael
    > Thanks!!!!

  3. #3

    Re: Macro Copy Active Cell to Range Name, loop

    Thanks so much Ed.

    One more question. Say I wanted to
    1. copy the data from the active cell
    2. select from the active cell to 3 rows down
    3. move to the name box and paste the copied data, thus naming the
    range what was in the initial active.cell


  4. #4
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: Macro Copy Active Cell to Range Name, loop

    Assume the activecell is Cell B10 and it contains the string "ABCD". You
    want to Name B13 "ABCD"

    ActiveCell.Offset(3,0).Name = ActiveCell.Value

    Tom Ogilvy

    <zigstick@gmail.com> wrote in message
    > Thanks so much Ed.
    > One more question. Say I wanted to
    > 1. copy the data from the active cell
    > 2. select from the active cell to 3 rows down
    > 3. move to the name box and paste the copied data, thus naming the
    > range what was in the initial active.cell
    > Thanks!!!!!

  5. #5

    Re: Macro Copy Active Cell to Range Name, loop

    Thanks, but actually trying to capture the entire range of say, Active
    cell of b10 to B13 (B10:B13), then move to the name field and type only
    the data copied from the initial active cell. This would create a
    named range, with the name being whatever is in the first cell ... in
    this case, b10.


  6. #6
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: Macro Copy Active Cell to Range Name, loop

    ActiveCell.Resize(3,1).name = ActiveCell.Value

    Tom Ogilvy

    <zigstick@gmail.com> wrote in message
    > Thanks, but actually trying to capture the entire range of say, Active
    > cell of b10 to B13 (B10:B13), then move to the name field and type only
    > the data copied from the initial active cell. This would create a
    > named range, with the name being whatever is in the first cell ... in
    > this case, b10.
    > Thanks!!

  7. #7

    Re: Macro Copy Active Cell to Range Name, loop

    If you want to name a cell only, Tom's code is much better. If you want to
    name a range of selected cells, I have this to offer:
    Sub NameMe()

    Dim strName As String
    Dim rngMine As Range

    'Get text from cell for range name
    strName = ActiveCell.Value

    'Selects from ActiveCell to 3 cells down in same column
    'If you do not always want to do this,
    'set up an If statement
    Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell.Offset(3, 0)).Select

    'Sets a rnage to the selection and names it
    Set rngMine = Selection
    ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add _
    Name:=strName, _
    RefersTo:="=Sheet1!" & rngMine.Address

    End Sub

    A couple of other items:
    -- Tom's code is ALWAYS much better than mine! I offerred this only because
    the way I read your post you wanted a range of cells, and Tom's looked like
    he only named a single cell. If Tom offers an improvement on this, go with
    that one.
    -- You do not "move to the name box" as you would move from cell to cell.
    You access the Names collection of the Workbook and Add a name.
    -- You will find a lot of answers faster than waiting for posts on the
    newsgroup by working through the Help files in the VBA editor. You can type
    a key word or two describing what you want to do ( such as "name cells") in
    the Answer Wizard, and it will give you a list of topics. It's often a lot
    to wade through, but you'll get farther than you will by sitting and
    waiting. Another highly recommended way is a Google search of the
    newsgroup. Ron DeBruin has created an excellent Add-In that I use all the
    time - http://www.rondebruin.nl/Google.htm.

    (PS - I'm offline now for about 18 hours, so I won't be able to answer
    anything else for a while.)

    <zigstick@gmail.com> wrote in message
    > Thanks so much Ed.
    > One more question. Say I wanted to
    > 1. copy the data from the active cell
    > 2. select from the active cell to 3 rows down
    > 3. move to the name box and paste the copied data, thus naming the
    > range what was in the initial active.cell
    > Thanks!!!!!

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