Sub NameMe()
Dim strName As String
Dim strAddr As String
strName = ActiveCell.Value
strAddr = ActiveCell.Address(, , xlR1C1)
ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add _
Name:=strName, _
RefersToR1C1:="=Sheet1!" & strAddr
End Sub
You can use Offset to move from cell to cell, and loop as required.
"zigstick" <> wrote in message
> Hi, I need to create a macro to run the following sequence:
> 1. Copy the Active Cell (say it's A1, "mark")
> 2. Move up to the Name Box at top left corner to name the cell range
> (Is this correct for that location? -- ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add
> Name:="servera", RefersToR1C1:="=Sheet1!R1C1"
> 3. Paste what was copied from the active cell and Enter, to name the
> cell range.
> 4. Move to another cell, say A3 ("david) and restart the process,
> copying the active cell (which will hold a different name)
> Please use example below:
> A B C D E
> 1 mark
> 2 john
> 3 david
> 4 larry
> 5 michael
> Thanks!!!!