Hi NG,
I have to make a If then else statement.
I have 3 cells that may contain something like this (text):
Cell1("B47"): peter
Cell2("B48"): Blank
Cell3("B49"): Blank
Cell1("B47"): thomas
Cell2("B48"): michael
Cell3("B49"): Blank
Cell1("B47"): thomas
Cell2("B48"): peter
Cell3("B49"): michell
And here is what i want to happen, the cells with names should be copied to
another sheed like this:
exampel1: peter
exampel2: thomas / michael
exampel3: thomas / peter / michell
And here is one of me solutions that wont work:
If Worksheets(2).Range("B48") = "Blank" Then
bk.Worksheets(2).Range("D6").Value = _
Format(Range("B47").Value) ' kopier 1 folietyper
End If
If Worksheets(2).Range("B49") = "Blank" Then
bk.Worksheets(2).Range("D6").Value = _
Format(Range("B47").Value) & " / " & Format(Range("B48").Value) '
indsætter 2 folietyper
Else: bk.Worksheets(2).Range("D6"). _
Value = Format(Range("B47").Value) & " / " & Format(Range("B48").Value) & "
/ " & Format(Range("B49").Value) ' kopier alle 3 folietyper
End If
When it only should copy B47 in exampel1 it copies B47 and B48.