Hi Stef

For another example of using ADO to import from the
Access Northwind Sample Database see post:

connection using ADO 4/3/2005 this NG

Good Luck

"Fredrik Wahlgren" wrote:

> "Stef" <Stef@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> news:BF450487-2B2C-495A-A19E-C7EBC375BA10@microsoft.com...
> > I would like to use Access tables in an Excel application. How do I do

> that?
> > --
> > Stef

> You can import the tables into Excel
> http://www.exceltip.com/st/Import_data_from_Access_to_Excel_(ADO)_using_VBA_in_Microsoft_Excel/427.html
> You can also export data from Excel to Access
> http://www.exceltip.com/exceltips.ph...ategory&ID=213
> Please explain in more detail waht you want to do.
> /Fredrik