Hi John

ranges in SUMPRODUCT have to be of equal size - so if you go into insert /
name / define and do your two ranges have the same number of rows?

=SUMPRODUCT(--(NAICS_Industry="Electric Services"),--(Auditors="PWC"))

might be a more efficient way of writing the function - check out
for more details

check out www.hcts.net.au/tipsandtricks.htm
....well i'm working on it anyway
"john" <anonymous@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
>I am trying to use the SUMPRODUCT function but can't
> understand why I am getting the #N/A error? This is the
> syntax that I am using:
> =SUMPRODUCT((NAICS_Industry="Electric Services")*
> (Auditors="PWC"))
> NAICS_Industry and Auditors are named ranges. They are
> both valid because I can do a COUNTIF using both ranges
> and it returns the correct value.
> What makes this more frustrating is that if I replace the
> NAICS_Industry range with a range called SIC_Industry, it
> works.
> Does anyone have a clue why this would do this?