I'm currently working on a excel spreadsheet for TIM-BR mart (Kincardine) preparing a (Gosselin Cabinets Pricing worksheet) to assist in ordering a kitchen cabinet.
How to apply an IF statement to a linked cell and load a userform ???
ie/ IF cell A2 = 1, show userform (what is the code?)
Formula ... (for cabinet lookup)
=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(D14,cabinets!A1:B572,2,FALSE)),"",VLOOKUP(D14,cabinets! A1:B572,2,FALSE))
Input cabinet model..in the Cell, This formula returns the price of the cabinet but the data is relative to the results of the drop downs (6 combo box), how do I tell it to look at these choices?
ie/ IF dropdown1 (choice-5) read only 3rd column,
is this just a formula ???
email me if you can help???????????????? Ill send wrksheet if you can help
contact: shawn@lalonde.com