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Ghost of Excel

  1. #1
    Paul - NottsUK

    Ghost of Excel

    I'm using Excel 2000 to work on with a company payroll data. We put the data
    from the
    payroll into an excel workbook do some calculations and then use a macro to
    split the
    data into seperate workbooks by department and location. I'm using ADODB to
    the workbook back to itself so i can use SQL to select each
    department/location in turn,
    copy the recordset to a new workbook, add a code module to the new workbook
    and then
    save and close the new workbook.
    Everything seems to work ok with the process itself but at the end of it I
    end up with a
    'ghost' excel process that if I don't 'end' manually using task manager I
    can't rerun the
    macro because the refernce to the data table can't be found.

    I've read several postings about this type of behaviour and I've put extra
    code in to make
    sure I'm not accidently creating another instance of Excel but the problem
    Can anyone shed any light on this.

    Here is the code;

    Sub testme1()
    Dim cnnXL As ADODB.Connection 'Connection
    Dim rstLocs As ADODB.Recordset 'Location Recordset
    Dim rstEMPS As ADODB.Recordset 'Employee Recordset
    Dim strConn As String 'Connection string
    Dim strSQLLocs As String 'SQL for Locations
    Dim strSQLEmps As String 'SQL for Employees within Location
    Dim strSFName As String 'Workbook name for connection
    Dim strShtName As String 'New worksheet name
    Dim strPath As String 'Directory path for all files
    Dim strNFName As String 'New File name (includes path)
    Dim strWName As String 'Window Name (file name)
    Dim strCName As String 'Code file name (includes path)
    Dim intWSCnt As Integer 'Worksheet count
    Dim intMax As Integer 'Progress Bar maximum
    Dim intProg As Integer 'Progress Bar progress
    Dim fsoCMod As FileSystemObject
    Set appXL = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
    ' Turn of screen updating
    appXL.ScreenUpdating = False
    ' Setup fixed data variables
    strSFName = appXL.ThisWorkbook.Name
    strPath = appXL.ThisWorkbook.Path
    strCName = strPath & "\code.txt"
    ' Export the module that will contain code for the workbooks created by
    this macro
    appXL.ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("basExport").Export strCName
    ' Setup an ADODB connection to this workbook
    Set cnnXL = New ADODB.Connection
    cnnXL.Provider = "MSDASQL"
    cnnXL.ConnectionString = "DRIVER={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)}; DBQ="
    & strSFName
    ' Set the SQL to get a unique list of locations and create the recordset
    strSQLLocs = "SELECT DISTINCT [AllData].[Substantive Location],
    [AllData].[Substantive Group] "
    strSQLLocs = strSQLLocs & "FROM [AllData] ORDER BY
    [AllData].[Substantive Location]"
    Set rstLocs = cnnXL.Execute(strSQLLocs)
    ' Error if data not present
    If rstLocs.BOF And rstLocs.EOF Then
    MsgBox "Problem"
    Exit Sub
    End If
    ' Setup progress bar and display
    intMax = 60
    intProg = 1
    ProgBar (intProg / intMax) * 100
    ' Loop through the recordset of locations
    Do Until rstLocs.EOF
    ' create a new workbook and reduce the number of worksheets to 1
    intWSCnt = appXL.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count
    appXL.DisplayAlerts = False
    If intWSCnt > 1 Then
    Do Until appXL.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count = 1

    End If
    appXL.DisplayAlerts = True
    ' Strip special characters from location name and use as workbook name
    strNFName = rstLocs(0) & " " & rstLocs(1)
    If InStr(1, strNFName, "/", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
    strNFName = Replace(strNFName, "/", " ", 1, , vbTextCompare)
    ElseIf InStr(1, strNFName, "&", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
    strNFName = Replace(strNFName, "&", " ", 1, , vbTextCompare)
    strNFName = strNFName
    End If
    strWName = strNFName
    strNFName = strPath & "\" & strNFName
    appXL.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs strNFName
    ' Copy data column headings from this workbook and paste into new workbook
    ' Import the code module to be used in the new workbook
    appXL.ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents.Import strCName
    ' Save the new workbook
    ' Switch to this workbook
    ' Set the SQL to extract the data for a given location
    strSQLEmps = "SELECT * FROM [AllData] WHERE ([AllData].[Substantive
    Location]='" & rstLocs(0)
    strSQLEmps = strSQLEmps & "' AND [AllData].[Substantive Group]='" &
    rstLocs(1) & "' )"
    ' Create a recordset containg the employees for a given location
    Set rstEMPS = New ADODB.Recordset
    Set rstEMPS = cnnXL.Execute(strSQLEmps)
    ' Swithc to the new workbook and insert the data from the employee recordset
    appXL.Selection.Offset(1, 0).CopyFromRecordset rstEMPS
    ' Save the new workbook
    ' Close the employee recordset
    Set rstEMPS = Nothing
    ' loop to the next location
    ' update progress bar
    intProg = intProg + 1
    ProgBar (intProg / intMax) * 100
    ' Close location recordset
    Set rstLocs = Nothing
    ' Close the connection to the workbook
    Set cnnXL = Nothing
    ' Delete code module
    Set fsoCMod = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    If fsoCMod.FileExists(strCName) Then
    fsoCMod.DeleteFile strCName
    End If
    Set fsoCMod = Nothing
    ' Reset screen updating and status bar
    appXL.ScreenUpdating = False
    appXL.StatusBar = ""
    Set appXL = Nothing
    End Sub


  2. #2
    Robert Bruce

    Re: Ghost of Excel

    Paul - NottsUK wrote:
    Are you sure you need this:

    > Set appXL = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")

    if you're coding in Excel?


    Set appXL = Application

    work better?


  3. #3

    Re: Ghost of Excel

    Rather than Set appXL=Nothing
    should you be doing:-

    I am not an expert at this...I have muddled my way through writing a
    macro in PCDMIS that will import data into Excel. I have found it
    difficult finding any help sites that provide any syntax in terms of
    what you need to declare and how to use them etc......do you know of
    any that would help me in the future?

  4. #4
    Paul - NottsUK

    Re: Ghost of Excel


    It probably is neater but I still end up with a ghost process at the end.


    "Robert Bruce" wrote:

    > Paul - NottsUK wrote:
    > Are you sure you need this:
    > > Set appXL = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")

    > if you're coding in Excel?
    > Wouldn't
    > Set appXL = Application
    > work better?
    > Rob

  5. #5

    Re: Ghost of Excel


    ADO cannot reliably query opened workbooks.

    it will lead to memory leaks, and may cause excel instance
    to become 'uncloseable'

    | www.XLsupport.com | keepITcool chello nl | amsterdam

    Paul - NottsUK wrote :

    > Robert,
    > It probably is neater but I still end up with a ghost process at the
    > end.
    > Paul
    > "Robert Bruce" wrote:
    > > Paul - NottsUK wrote:
    > > Are you sure you need this:
    > >
    > > > Set appXL = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")

    > >
    > > if you're coding in Excel?
    > >
    > > Wouldn't
    > >
    > > Set appXL = Application
    > >
    > > work better?
    > >
    > > Rob
    > >
    > >
    > >

  6. #6
    Paul - NottsUK

    Re: Ghost of Excel


    In one version of\my code I tried using appxl.quit and it closed the
    instance I was in. From the reply before yours I've got an idea of a slightly
    different approach that I'm going to try.

    With regard to your further comment I often find myself pushing Excel into
    little known areas and even have people telling me that what I'm trying to do
    isn't possible. However, I carry on and usually find a solution. Sometimes I
    publish it. I'll mail you.

    "donna.gough@hydro.com" wrote:

    > Paul,
    > Rather than Set appXL=Nothing
    > should you be doing:-
    > appXL.application.quit
    > I am not an expert at this...I have muddled my way through writing a
    > macro in PCDMIS that will import data into Excel. I have found it
    > difficult finding any help sites that provide any syntax in terms of
    > what you need to declare and how to use them etc......do you know of
    > any that would help me in the future?

  7. #7

    Re: Ghost of Excel

    if you save a temporary copy it should work ok...
    set appXL = APPLICATION

    ' Setup fixed data variables
    strSFName = appXL.ThisWorkbook.Name & ".bak"
    strPath = appXL.ThisWorkbook.Path
    strCName = strPath & "\code.txt"

    ' Make sure "BAK" file is killed first
    If Dir(strPath & "\" & strSFName) <> "" Then Kill strPath & "\" &
    ' Save a copy of this file for ado to connect to.
    appXL.ThisWorkbook.SaveCopyAs strPath & "\" & strSFName

    dont forget to kill the bak file at the end of your routine.

    another point of concern...
    dont use the old DAO drivers, code for proper ADO/Jet drivers.
    get your connectstrings from http://www.able-consulting.com/ADO_Conn.htm

    | www.XLsupport.com | keepITcool chello nl | amsterdam

    keepITcool wrote :

    > Paul...
    > ADO cannot reliably query opened workbooks.
    > see
    > http://support.microsoft.com/default...b;en-us;319998
    > it will lead to memory leaks, and may cause excel instance
    > to become 'uncloseable'
    > --
    > keepITcool
    > > www.XLsupport.com | keepITcool chello nl | amsterdam

    > Paul - NottsUK wrote :
    > > Robert,
    > >
    > > It probably is neater but I still end up with a ghost process at the
    > > end.
    > >
    > > Paul
    > >
    > > "Robert Bruce" wrote:
    > >
    > > > Paul - NottsUK wrote:
    > > > Are you sure you need this:
    > > >
    > > > > Set appXL = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
    > > >
    > > > if you're coding in Excel?
    > > >
    > > > Wouldn't
    > > >
    > > > Set appXL = Application
    > > >
    > > > work better?
    > > >
    > > > Rob
    > > >
    > > >
    > > >

  8. #8

    Re: Ghost of Excel

    Cheers Paul,
    That will of great help.
    Hope you solve your problem.

  9. #9
    Tushar Mehta

    Re: Ghost of Excel

    In a cursory reading of the code nothing stands out. However, I am not
    sure how XL/Windows will react to code that XL is executing that tries
    to terminate it through a object variable.

    As a test, have you tried running it through another program such as
    Word or PowerPoint? Though, given your frequent activation of
    workbooks/sheets it may not be feasible. Even better might be through
    a VBScript file executed by the Windows Scripting Host.

    You may also want to check Program won't quit

    as well as Beyond Excel's recorder

    and, finally,
    How to safely instantiate another Office application and close it only
    if you started it


    Tushar Mehta
    Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA add-ins, tutorials
    Custom MS Office productivity solutions

    In article <2F0246FA-F554-4C9C-AFC4-71B79585814F@microsoft.com>,
    PaulNottsUK@discussions.microsoft.com says...
    > I'm using Excel 2000 to work on with a company payroll data. We put the data
    > from the
    > payroll into an excel workbook do some calculations and then use a macro to
    > split the
    > data into seperate workbooks by department and location. I'm using ADODB to
    > connect
    > the workbook back to itself so i can use SQL to select each
    > department/location in turn,
    > copy the recordset to a new workbook, add a code module to the new workbook
    > and then
    > save and close the new workbook.
    > Everything seems to work ok with the process itself but at the end of it I
    > end up with a
    > 'ghost' excel process that if I don't 'end' manually using task manager I
    > can't rerun the
    > macro because the refernce to the data table can't be found.
    > I've read several postings about this type of behaviour and I've put extra
    > code in to make
    > sure I'm not accidently creating another instance of Excel but the problem
    > persists.
    > Can anyone shed any light on this.
    > Here is the code;
    > Sub testme1()
    > Dim cnnXL As ADODB.Connection 'Connection
    > Dim rstLocs As ADODB.Recordset 'Location Recordset
    > Dim rstEMPS As ADODB.Recordset 'Employee Recordset
    > Dim strConn As String 'Connection string
    > Dim strSQLLocs As String 'SQL for Locations
    > Dim strSQLEmps As String 'SQL for Employees within Location
    > Dim strSFName As String 'Workbook name for connection
    > Dim strShtName As String 'New worksheet name
    > Dim strPath As String 'Directory path for all files
    > Dim strNFName As String 'New File name (includes path)
    > Dim strWName As String 'Window Name (file name)
    > Dim strCName As String 'Code file name (includes path)
    > Dim intWSCnt As Integer 'Worksheet count
    > Dim intMax As Integer 'Progress Bar maximum
    > Dim intProg As Integer 'Progress Bar progress
    > Dim fsoCMod As FileSystemObject
    > Set appXL = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
    > ' Turn of screen updating
    > appXL.ScreenUpdating = False
    > ' Setup fixed data variables
    > strSFName = appXL.ThisWorkbook.Name
    > strPath = appXL.ThisWorkbook.Path
    > strCName = strPath & "\code.txt"
    > ' Export the module that will contain code for the workbooks created by
    > this macro
    > appXL.ThisWorkbook.Activate
    > appXL.ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("basExport").Export strCName
    > ' Setup an ADODB connection to this workbook
    > Set cnnXL = New ADODB.Connection
    > cnnXL.Provider = "MSDASQL"
    > cnnXL.ConnectionString = "DRIVER={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)}; DBQ="
    > & strSFName
    > cnnXL.Open
    > ' Set the SQL to get a unique list of locations and create the recordset
    > strSQLLocs = "SELECT DISTINCT [AllData].[Substantive Location],
    > [AllData].[Substantive Group] "
    > strSQLLocs = strSQLLocs & "FROM [AllData] ORDER BY
    > [AllData].[Substantive Location]"
    > Set rstLocs = cnnXL.Execute(strSQLLocs)
    > ' Error if data not present
    > If rstLocs.BOF And rstLocs.EOF Then
    > MsgBox "Problem"
    > Exit Sub
    > End If
    > ' Setup progress bar and display
    > intMax = 60
    > intProg = 1
    > ProgBar (intProg / intMax) * 100
    > ' Loop through the recordset of locations
    > Do Until rstLocs.EOF
    > ' create a new workbook and reduce the number of worksheets to 1
    > appXL.Workbooks.Add
    > intWSCnt = appXL.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count
    > appXL.DisplayAlerts = False
    > If intWSCnt > 1 Then
    > Do Until appXL.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count = 1
    > appXL.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(appXL.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count).Delete
    > Loop
    > End If
    > appXL.DisplayAlerts = True
    > ' Strip special characters from location name and use as workbook name
    > strNFName = rstLocs(0) & " " & rstLocs(1)
    > If InStr(1, strNFName, "/", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
    > strNFName = Replace(strNFName, "/", " ", 1, , vbTextCompare)
    > ElseIf InStr(1, strNFName, "&", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
    > strNFName = Replace(strNFName, "&", " ", 1, , vbTextCompare)
    > Else
    > strNFName = strNFName
    > End If
    > strWName = strNFName
    > strNFName = strPath & "\" & strNFName
    > appXL.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs strNFName
    > ' Copy data column headings from this workbook and paste into new workbook
    > appXL.ThisWorkbook.Activate
    > appXL.Range("ColHeads").Copy
    > appXL.Workbooks(strWName).Activate
    > appXL.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(1).Range("A1").PasteSpecial
    > ' Import the code module to be used in the new workbook
    > appXL.Workbooks(strWName).Activate
    > appXL.ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents.Import strCName
    > ' Save the new workbook
    > appXL.ActiveWorkbook.Save
    > ' Switch to this workbook
    > appXL.ThisWorkbook.Activate
    > ' Set the SQL to extract the data for a given location
    > strSQLEmps = "SELECT * FROM [AllData] WHERE ([AllData].[Substantive
    > Location]='" & rstLocs(0)
    > strSQLEmps = strSQLEmps & "' AND [AllData].[Substantive Group]='" &
    > rstLocs(1) & "' )"
    > ' Create a recordset containg the employees for a given location
    > Set rstEMPS = New ADODB.Recordset
    > Set rstEMPS = cnnXL.Execute(strSQLEmps)
    > ' Swithc to the new workbook and insert the data from the employee recordset
    > appXL.Workbooks(strWName).Activate
    > appXL.Selection.Offset(1, 0).CopyFromRecordset rstEMPS
    > ' Save the new workbook
    > appXL.ActiveWorkbook.Save
    > appXL.ActiveWorkbook.Close
    > appXL.ThisWorkbook.Activate
    > ' Close the employee recordset
    > rstEMPS.Close
    > Set rstEMPS = Nothing
    > ' loop to the next location
    > rstLocs.MoveNext
    > ' update progress bar
    > intProg = intProg + 1
    > ProgBar (intProg / intMax) * 100
    > Loop
    > ' Close location recordset
    > rstLocs.Close
    > Set rstLocs = Nothing
    > ' Close the connection to the workbook
    > cnnXL.Close
    > Set cnnXL = Nothing
    > ' Delete code module
    > Set fsoCMod = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    > If fsoCMod.FileExists(strCName) Then
    > fsoCMod.DeleteFile strCName
    > End If
    > Set fsoCMod = Nothing
    > ' Reset screen updating and status bar
    > appXL.ScreenUpdating = False
    > appXL.StatusBar = ""
    > Set appXL = Nothing
    > End Sub

  10. #10
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: Ghost of Excel

    If you get tired of pushing this one through the frontier, you might check
    out the code at Ron's site that does this (particularly since you are
    programming from within Excel). It also illustrates that you can often
    avoid selecting and activating.


    Tom Ogilvy

    "Paul - NottsUK" <PaulNottsUK@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > Donna,
    > In one version of\my code I tried using appxl.quit and it closed the
    > instance I was in. From the reply before yours I've got an idea of a

    > different approach that I'm going to try.
    > With regard to your further comment I often find myself pushing Excel into
    > little known areas and even have people telling me that what I'm trying to

    > isn't possible. However, I carry on and usually find a solution. Sometimes

    > publish it. I'll mail you.
    > "donna.gough@hydro.com" wrote:
    > > Paul,
    > > Rather than Set appXL=Nothing
    > > should you be doing:-
    > > appXL.application.quit
    > >
    > > I am not an expert at this...I have muddled my way through writing a
    > > macro in PCDMIS that will import data into Excel. I have found it
    > > difficult finding any help sites that provide any syntax in terms of
    > > what you need to declare and how to use them etc......do you know of
    > > any that would help me in the future?
    > >
    > >

  11. #11
    Paul - NottsUK

    Re: Ghost of Excel


    It's interesting that Ron is using 'Filters' which when I did something
    similar to this in 2000 was the way I did it. Perhaps I should try to use the
    old trusted methods and not the latest whizzo method that MS have come up
    with. I've tried my code in XL2003 and it still does the same.


    "Tom Ogilvy" wrote:

    > If you get tired of pushing this one through the frontier, you might check
    > out the code at Ron's site that does this (particularly since you are
    > programming from within Excel). It also illustrates that you can often
    > avoid selecting and activating.
    > http://www.rondebruin.nl/tips.htm
    > --
    > Regards,
    > Tom Ogilvy
    > "Paul - NottsUK" <PaulNottsUK@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > news:3EFDA383-028C-44FB-A202-A856F7F7A564@microsoft.com...
    > > Donna,
    > >
    > > In one version of\my code I tried using appxl.quit and it closed the
    > > instance I was in. From the reply before yours I've got an idea of a

    > slightly
    > > different approach that I'm going to try.
    > >
    > > With regard to your further comment I often find myself pushing Excel into
    > > little known areas and even have people telling me that what I'm trying to

    > do
    > > isn't possible. However, I carry on and usually find a solution. Sometimes

    > I
    > > publish it. I'll mail you.
    > >
    > > "donna.gough@hydro.com" wrote:
    > >
    > > > Paul,
    > > > Rather than Set appXL=Nothing
    > > > should you be doing:-
    > > > appXL.application.quit
    > > >
    > > > I am not an expert at this...I have muddled my way through writing a
    > > > macro in PCDMIS that will import data into Excel. I have found it
    > > > difficult finding any help sites that provide any syntax in terms of
    > > > what you need to declare and how to use them etc......do you know of
    > > > any that would help me in the future?
    > > >
    > > >


  12. #12
    Fredrik Wahlgren

    Re: Ghost of Excel

    Is the Google desktop installed on your computer? If it is, it has this
    strange side effect.


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