I want to set up a conditional macro ,, need help, I used to do these in
Lotus just fine but the times they R a changing...
I have a simple list where I calculate one weeks bills and expense against
the total cash income for the week. so ,,,
phone 110.0 y $$$ available 1000.0
travel 70.0 y subtotal 170.0
food 100.0 n
misc 50.0 n BALANCE 830.0
the y/n col is where I check for a condition true or false,,, if and when
the y is a true condition the anount to the left is added to the subtotal.
This is done until the condition meets a blank col and the loop stops
All n conditions are not added because the amount has not yet been paid out
or may even change before the condition becomes true.
I want to always start by setting subtotal to zero, run from the top of the
conditional col, adding up all y conditions to sutotal, ignore any n
conditions, and quit upon a blank field in the conditional col.....
Please someone help me accomplish this