Hi guys,
Just wondering if/how could Dave P's Sub testme02() - pasted below - be
modified to output all findings of the merged cells to a new sheet (in col
A, say) instead of via msg boxes ? Would be easier to refer .. Thanks.
---- From a Dave P's post in .misc -------------
"Manually, you could divide and conquer. Select half the range, hit ctrl-1
(to show the Format|Cell dialog). Look at that Alignment tab and look at
the Merge cells box. If it's not checked, look in the other half. If it's a
black check mark, you found it. If it's a grey check mark, you're getting
warmer--it's in the selected range.
Here's one way via a macro that looks at all the cells
in the usedrange:
Option Explicit
Sub testme02()
Dim myCell As Range
Dim resp As Long
For Each myCell In ActiveSheet.UsedRange
If myCell.MergeCells = True Then
If myCell.Address = myCell.MergeArea.Cells(1, 1).Address Then
resp = MsgBox(Prompt:="found at: " _
& myCell.Address(0, 0) & " Of " _
& myCell.MergeArea.Address(0, 0), _
Title:="Continue Looking?", _
If resp = vbNo Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End If
Next myCell
End Sub
xl 97
GMT+8, 1° 22' N 103° 45' E
xdemechanik <at>yahoo<dot>com