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Evaluating a Range of Empty Cells with VBA

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  1. #1
    John Mansfield

    Evaluating a Range of Empty Cells with VBA

    I have 5 columns that start at cell A2 and end at cell E2. The columns
    contain both numbers and blank cells. Next, I have two numbers -> 20 and 12.
    I am trying to build a macro that will go across the range A1:E1 and flag a
    column that has all blank cells between rows 20 and 32 (20 and 20 + 12). I'm
    trying to evaluate the range of empty cells but have had no luck. I want to
    build something similar to the macro below. How can I build the correct
    range offset statement to evaluate the cells between rows 20 and 32 as blank?

    Sub FlagColumn()
    Dim Rng As Range
    For Each Rng In Range("A1:E1")
    If IsEmpty(Rng.Offset(rowOffset:=20 to Rng.Offset(rowOffset:=32) = true
    Do something here . .
    End If
    End Sub


    John Mansfield

  2. #2
    Jason Morin

    Re: Evaluating a Range of Empty Cells with VBA


    Sub FlagColumn()
    Dim Rng As Range
    Dim ThisWs As Worksheet
    Dim NewRng As Range
    Const cOffset = 20
    Const cHeight = 12

    Set ThisWs = ActiveSheet
    For Each Rng In Range("A1:E1")
    Set NewRng = ThisWs.Cells(Rng.Row + cOffset - 1, _
    Rng.Column).Resize(cHeight + 1, 1)
    If Application.CountA(NewRng) = 0 Then
    MsgBox NewRng.Address(False, False) & " is empty."
    End If
    Set NewRng = Nothing
    End Sub

    Atlanta, GA

    >-----Original Message-----
    >I have 5 columns that start at cell A2 and end at cell

    E2. The columns
    >contain both numbers and blank cells. Next, I have two

    numbers -> 20 and 12.
    > I am trying to build a macro that will go across the

    range A1:E1 and flag a
    >column that has all blank cells between rows 20 and 32

    (20 and 20 + 12). I'm
    >trying to evaluate the range of empty cells but have had

    no luck. I want to
    >build something similar to the macro below. How can I

    build the correct
    >range offset statement to evaluate the cells between

    rows 20 and 32 as blank?
    >Sub FlagColumn()
    > Dim Rng As Range
    > For Each Rng In Range("A1:E1")
    > If IsEmpty(Rng.Offset(rowOffset:=20 to Rng.Offset

    (rowOffset:=32) = true
    > Do something here . .
    > End If
    >End Sub
    >John Mansfield

  3. #3
    John Mansfield

    Re: Evaluating a Range of Empty Cells with VBA


    Thank you very much - just what I was looking for.

    John Mansfield

    "Jason Morin" wrote:

    > Try:
    > Sub FlagColumn()
    > Dim Rng As Range
    > Dim ThisWs As Worksheet
    > Dim NewRng As Range
    > Const cOffset = 20
    > Const cHeight = 12
    > Set ThisWs = ActiveSheet
    > For Each Rng In Range("A1:E1")
    > Set NewRng = ThisWs.Cells(Rng.Row + cOffset - 1, _
    > Rng.Column).Resize(cHeight + 1, 1)
    > If Application.CountA(NewRng) = 0 Then
    > MsgBox NewRng.Address(False, False) & " is empty."
    > End If
    > Set NewRng = Nothing
    > Next
    > End Sub
    > ---
    > HTH
    > Jason
    > Atlanta, GA
    > >-----Original Message-----
    > >I have 5 columns that start at cell A2 and end at cell

    > E2. The columns
    > >contain both numbers and blank cells. Next, I have two

    > numbers -> 20 and 12.
    > > I am trying to build a macro that will go across the

    > range A1:E1 and flag a
    > >column that has all blank cells between rows 20 and 32

    > (20 and 20 + 12). I'm
    > >trying to evaluate the range of empty cells but have had

    > no luck. I want to
    > >build something similar to the macro below. How can I

    > build the correct
    > >range offset statement to evaluate the cells between

    > rows 20 and 32 as blank?
    > >
    > >
    > >Sub FlagColumn()
    > > Dim Rng As Range
    > > For Each Rng In Range("A1:E1")
    > > If IsEmpty(Rng.Offset(rowOffset:=20 to Rng.Offset

    > (rowOffset:=32) = true
    > >then
    > > Do something here . .
    > > End If
    > >Next
    > >End Sub
    > >
    > >Thanks.
    > >
    > >John Mansfield
    > >.
    > >


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